•Chapter 12•

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I still wasnt allowed to stand up. My leg was still riding the swing 😑 and my arm was just... dunno.

Everyday, Applejack was the one who fed me and took care of me. Applejack was there to help me everytime I need help. She stays up late at night just to make sure Im ok. Some of the girls visits me when their free from all their work. But to be honest, Applejack was there. Its like I needed her.

My thoughts flushed away when a gentle knock came from the door. I was alone atm. Applejack was busy helping me that she forgot to work in the farm. She wasnt allowed for a week, but she always calls me when she has a break or its time for her to sleep. She text me all the time.

Good Morning Twi~
Are the nurses helping u there? If u need any help just call me~
Sweet Dreams 💕~
Open the tv or call me if u feel alone, ok?~
Be careful~
Good Night Twi~

"Come in." was the response I gave to the person at the door.

As the door slowly opened, a Rainbow haired girl came in. It was Rainbow Dash if I recall her name right.

Sometimes, I ask myself why would Rainbow Dash be included in my dreams? Then sometimes, a blue haired guy would be there and some of my dreams included Applejack.

It was very weird that people that Im not close to were included in my dreams. In some cases, I was scared... maybe those were signs. Signs of whut? I dont know whut but its strange.

Rainbow Dash came in and sat down at the chair next to mine. She was struggling to sit down bc of her leg.

"So.. how r u?"

She asked with an awkward expression.

"Im actually struggling with some things but if u ask me, Im good." I answered.

"Well, have u eaten lunch then? Its actually 12:30. Weren't the nurses serve u ur lunch today?"

"Nope. They havent"

"Dont worry,Ill get it for u"

She slowly stood up as she was struggling to. I was so embarrassed that she would do something for me even tho she had some damages with her.

It made me smile.

Author's Note:

Woah. Did my update took so long. If so, SORRY! 😭

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