•Chapter 11•

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Rainbow Dash's Pov

"She has.... Amnesia. A condition in which, a person is unable to remember things because of brain injury. Twilight has bumped it's head when the car was crashed to the truck. As we can say, she has lost her memory." Nurse Redheart explained.

"Will she remember us any sooner?" Pinkie Pie said with a sad tone.

"I believe that she will recover once you get to know her. You have to show her and treat her like before. She will remember, I can say. But, it will take time."

"Thank you Nurse Redheart." Applejack said.

"Excuse me." Nurse Redheart said as she moved her way to the information table.

I came to hold the door knob again to come inside of Twi's room but it would be better if I didn't. I walked very unusual because of my broken leg. I went to the rooftop of the hospital with the help of a nurse.

I just wish Twilight was here.....

Twilight's Pov

I saw weird looking girls around me when I woke up from my very long sleep. I was in this very comfy bed and this place is full of white stuff. Which was very weird.

"How are you?" The girl said with a shy tone. She has a very pretty pink pastel colored hair and yellow pastel body color.

"I'm fine.... I guess." I replied trying to be nice.

"Hi!!" A girl with very pink hair popped out of nowhere. She greeted me a very surprising "Hi". "I'm Pinkie Pie." as she gave me her hand for a hand shake. I kindly shook her hand.

"And I'm Rarity." the girl with violet hair said.

"How'dy. Ah'm Applejack. Call me Aj for short." the cowgirl said as she bowed a little bit while holding her hat.

I was so glad to meet them. But, there is something I wanted to meet. I want to meet, me. Who am I? Where am I? Am I in Heaven or something? It's fully whitened in this weird-looking place. I wanted to know a lot of things. How come I don't know myself? Am I crazy? I surely do have a darn lot of questions. I just don't remember anything. Anything.

My thoughts vanished when the door opened. A rainbow haired girl caught my attention. She was walking very uncertain because of her broken foot. Her right arm was cemented. Mainly because it was broken too. She turned around when she was finished closing the door. She was moving very slow because of the injuries she has around her body. She turned around and our eyes met. Her pink eyes met my purple ones. I quickly removed the connection. Then, she spoke.

"Hi. I'm Rainbow Dash." She said with a big smile on her face. I saw her eyes once again. They were sad and broken. What is she going through? Is she alright? Why do I get all caring all of a sudden?

I smiled back and greeted her a simple "Hello. Nice to meet you." She quickly turned around and sat down.

I saw Applejack's face when Rainbow was about to pass her way to go to the sofa behind her. Aj face was very furious with a mix of sadness.

What is going on? I just don't know what...

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long update guys. I made this chapter a little bit longer for me to make it up to you for being a rude person not updating for a LONG time. Summer just came and in 2 days... It's my BIRTHDAY! So I hope u understand. Thanks!

Yah... Baii!


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