Is It Gay?

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"Is it gay to kiss your homie?" Younghyun rolled his eyes at the three boys in front of him.

"No, but it is gay to French kiss your homie," Jaehyung rebutted. "You're my homie and you don't see me ever getting that close to you."

"What French kiss? We did not French kiss!" Younghyun argued.

"Hyung, your tongues were literally down each other's throats," Dowoon said.

"I don't know why you keep on denying it. You were kissing," Wonpil accused.

Younghyun sighed heavily and looked at the man lying beside him, "Were we kissing like that, hyung?"

Sungjin stared at him for a moment before ignoring him and closing his eyes.

"Hey!" Younghyun frowned. 

"See? You did kiss like that!"

"What even is a French kiss? Jaehyung hyung, Wonpil-ah, could you demonstrate?" Younghyun smirked.

Sungjin hit his head, "Go to sleep already. Everyone, go to sleep."

Jaehyung showed a middle finger to Younghyun while Wonpil stuck out his tongue. They dispersed to their beds. Younghyun smiled and moved closer to Sungjin, putting his arm on his waist. He smiled against his neck.

"Sungjin hyung~" he whispered. "Since they already know that we're kissing, why don't we pick up from where he left off?"

Sungjin took a deep breath and faced him, arm around his waist, "Let's go to sleep."

Younghyun frowned, "But —"

Sungjin grabbed his chin, prying open his mouth before he greeted his tongue with his own again.

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