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Summary: Sungjin comes back from a week-long break and finds out that Younghyun stole something from him while he was away.

Rating: General Audiences


"Wonpil-ah! Can you get the door?!" Jaehyung shouted from his room, taking off one side of his headset from his ear.

The knocking continued.


"I can't, I'm in the bathroom!" the keyboardist yelled back, followed by continuous knocking.

"Dowoon!" Jaehyung shouted again.

"Dowoon is sleeping!" Wonpil replied.

"I'll get it, jeez!" Younghyun's voice joined, followed by the sound of the door opening.

Jaehyung guessed he left his room to open the door.

"Dowoon might as well be awake now from all the screaming," Younghyun muttered as he trudged across the living room to get to the door.

He opened it and marched in, pulling Jaehyung's headset from his head before turning around and leaving Jaehyung screaming that he died in his game because of him.

"Why is it so noisy?" Dowoon emerged from his room, hair tousled from sleep and one of his hands rubbing his eye.

Younghyun smiled a little and finally opened the main door, "Oh, hyung!"

"Hyung? Sungjin?" Jaehyung walked out of his room as well.

Wonpil joined them after putting alcohol on his hands. Younghyun unlocked the door completely and opened it wider for their leader.

"Oh, good, you're back," Jaehyung sighed.

Sungjin raised a brow, "I was gone for a week only."

"And I would have died on the eighth day from these idiots," Jaehyung retorted. "How's hometown?"

Sungjin shrugged but his eyes were sparkling, "Still the same. My folks are still healthy."

Sungjin stopped walking and looked at them, a smile slowly spreading across his face, but he tries to prevent it from getting any bigger.

"Oh? Your ears are turning red," Wonpil pointed out.

"What's up? Looks like you met someone, hyung," Dowoon blinked.

Sungjin cleared his throat and looked away from them, transferring his gaze to the ground as he shook his head, "Nothing."

"You look in love," Younghyun grinned teasingly.

"Am not," Sungjin muttered as he walked toward the kitchen.

His members followed him.

"You do," Jaehyung insisted.

"Who's the lucky person?" Wonpil asked.

"No one. I am not —" Sungjin put on the counter the glass he filled with water as he turned to them, putting a hand on his hip as he sighed. He was still smiling a bit, "Can we not talk about it?"

"Ey, come on, hyung! You're not like this every day! Tell us about them!" Younghyun beamed but Sungjin could see the liveliness slowly disappear from his eyes.

And he chuckled again, "It's no one. I just visited my family."

Dowoon hummed loudly, suspiciously. Sungjin let out a full grin, turning away his head from them as they cooed teasingly at him.

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