3 AM

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Summary: They say, "find someone who will wake you up at 3 am to look at the stars." Sungjin didn't look for them, but he somehow found one.

Rating: General Audiences


"Hyung. Hyung, wake up."

"Kang Bra, it's 3 in the morning."

"I know, it's romantic to look at the stars at this time!" beamed Younghyun softly.

Sungjin opened his eyes and looked at him. Younghyun sat in front of him, smiling.

"You'll just stare at me and not at the stars," Sungjin stated, erasing the smile from Younghyun's lips.

Younghyun stared at him stoically.

Sungjin repositioned himself and closed his eyes, "I'll go back to sleep while you stare. Good night."

Younghyun stared at him for a few seconds before shaking him awake again. Sungjin huffed, grabbing Younghyun back down on the bed. Younghyun grunted a bit at the action.

Sungjin pulled at his arm and laid down over it as he turned over to lie on his front. Then Sungjin put his arm over Younghyun's chest, hand on his hair.

"Go back to sleep or I will remove you from my life," Sungjin threatened.

"You can't do that," Younghyun pouted at him.

"I know, but I can if you wake me up again at this hour," Sungjin declared.

Younghyun pouted deeper and Sungjin pulled him closer, burying his face on the side of his head and smiling against his neck.

"I don't want to stare at the stars, Kang Bra," Sungjin said. "I prefer this."

"That's sweet, I love you too, but my arm had ceased getting the blood flowing in it. Please release my arm," Younghyun blinked at him.

Sungjin grinned lopsidedly before raising his body a bit to let Younghyun take back his arm. Younghyun turned to his side and threw an arm over Sungjin's back.

"Kang Bra," Sungjin called softly.

Younghyun hummed and looked at him. Sungjin's features softened drastically as his grin ceased into a small smile.

"You're prettier than any night sky," Sungjin said, fingers gently fiddling with Younghyun's hair by the back of his head.

Younghyun involuntarily grinned widely before looking away and with the help of the moonlight shining on them through the windows, Sungjin could see his ears turn red.

"You're so cheesy," Younghyun slapped his arm and returned his arm over his back.

"Says the one who wants to look at the stars because it's romantic —"

"I just want to see you with more love and romance!" Younghyun reasoned out.

"And you say I'm cheesy when I —" Sungjin stopped.

Younghyun blinked at him in question and saw him staring at him, lips parted a bit with a barely seen smile on them. And Younghyun suddenly saw the stars in his eyes as they sparkled, filled with nothing but love and admiration.

"When you what?"

Sungjin obviously scanned his face before looking back at his eyes, his hand sliding from the back of his head to cup his cheek, thumb gently caressing his cheekbone.

"When I fall in love."

Sungjin had never seen Younghyun turn as red, and Younghyun had never felt his body get as hot.

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