Untitled 01

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Summary: Younghyun is excited to hang out with Sungjin, but Sungjin has work to do.

Rating: General Audiences


Younghyun skipped happily around their apartment, a small, soft smile on his lips as he did.

He went to the kitchen to prepare a snack for himself, pausing in the middle to stare at it and think, "Hyung would want a snack too, right? I'll just make some for him too."

He prepared more snacks, adding more French fries into the pan. He let it fry while he made a dipping sauce, mixing mayonnaise and ketchup. After that, he took the fries with the strainer, put them in a bowl, grabbed the sauce, and then took it across the apartment.

"Brian?" Jaehyung called.

Younghyun stopped to look at him in wonder.

"What is that?" Wonpil asked.

"Can I have some?" Dowoon stood up from the sofa and reached into the bowl of French fries that Younghyun had cooked.

Wonpil stood up as well, followed by Jaehyung. They peeked at the bowl while Dowoon grabbed some, dipping it into the sauce that Younghyun made. Dowoon hummed in delight and took another one. And Younghyun decided to give it to them.

He proceeded to Sungjin's room with a softer smile.

"Hyung~!" he happily called as he walked toward where Sungjin was sitting by his study in the corner of his room.

"Not now, Younghyun," Sungjin sighed.

Younghyun stopped abruptly in the middle of his room and frowned deeply, "Okay."

He turned around to leave. Sungjin glanced up at him and sighed again, leaning back to his chair as he grabbed the other one from beside him.

"Yah, come here," he called.

Younghyun stopped again by the door. He looked at him and smiled again as he walked back over to him. He sat on the chair beside him.

"What do you want?" Sungjin asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just checking in on you," Younghyun shrugged.

"You could have brought me food if you're going to check in on me," Sungjin smirked.

Younghyun smiled apologetically. Sungjin resumed working on some assignments that their boss at work had given him to work over the weekend. He had the heaviest assignments, and he was still a few positions above them.

Younghyun has the highest position among them, just a position above Sungjin. Still, Younghyun gets fewer assignments than him. Sungjin was simply diligent. Younghyun watched him and lets him work in peace.

Neither of them knew why Younghyun always comes to watch him work. It helps Sungjin, though. It reminds him to take it easy on working as he takes a short break from time to time to chat with the younger. A few minutes later, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Sungjin had ushered.

Jaehyung entered with a bowl in his hand and the smell of French fries wafted into the room. Younghyun smiled at him when he smirked at him. Jaehyung put the bowl on Sungjin's table.

"Here," he said.

"Oh, thank you," Sungjin muttered.

"Brian cooked fries for you but the kids wanted it, so he gave it to them," Jaehyung informed before leaving.

Sungjin took a fry. It was salted. Younghyun guessed the kids were still eating with the dipping sauce he made. Sungjin took another fry and looked at him.

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