Episode 9

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Again, in loser class. But this time I'm hanging out with Izzy because I'm avoiding Noah ironically because of Izzy. We follow her to the cockpit. Where I try to keep her from touching things and sadly, I'm failing. The girl is strong.

"Oh, what does this button do? Oh, and this one?" Izzy asks while pushing the button making the plane do flips.

"Girl stop that!" Chef yells.

"Oh! BLUE BUTTON!" Izzy yells and the plane starts going crazy.

"IZZY STOP IT!!" I yell. Then Izzy goes over the Pa and says, "This is your captain speaking if you look out your window, you'll get to see what happens when a plane does a summer salt."

Chef takes the mic and says, "Give me that."

When Chef is distracted Izzy goes to the yoke and I yell, "IZZY NO DON'T DO THAT!" We struggle a little bit as I try to stop her, but she gets free of my hold and both me and Chef look at each other and strap ourselves in.

Chef then says, "Uh yall might want to hang on to something heavy."

Once we 'land' Izzy ejects herself and lands into the water and Chris comes in, "You said we were landing at the Eiffel Tower."

"And you said you was gonna replace that curtain with a locked door," Chef yells back. I just stare at Chris with wide eyes as my heartbeat comes back. He motions me to follow him, and I do, and we meet everyone outside.

"I didn't exactly get a chance to prep my introduction what with the unexpected water landing and all. I'm just gonna give the highlights. France, city of love gallery, filler, lots of artwork, priceless, priceless, artwork." Chris says to everybody.

"EEEEEEE! Paris! There's only one guy I want to share this with, the guy I've been dreaming about since we've been apart! Where's my Tyler!?" Lindsey says.

"Hey, Lins," Tyler says to Lindsey.

"Are you sure that's you because you look slightly different in my head?" Lindsey says.

"Everything looks slightly different in her head," Alejandro says to me and Noah.

Noah smiles but I say, "Leave her alone Alejandro. They are sweet," and roll my eyes at him.

"Do you always wear a tracksuit? Oh, it doesn't matter because us being in Paris together means only one thing." Lindsey says excitedly.

"I know. I love—" Tyler says but is cut off by Lindsey yelling, "Shopping!!"

"I can pick out new clothes for you!! EEEEEE!!" she squeals until Chris shuts her up.

"There's no time for shopping the first challenge is about to start. Everyone inside the loave." Chris says.

"Uh, I believe you mean Louvre." Courtney corrects.

"Whatever. Go already!" Chris yells annoyed. "Challenge time kids. Each team gets their very own famous sculpture. Team victory yours is Rodin's the thinker. Chris is really really really really hot you guys get the Venus de Milo." Chris says.

"Ah, Venus. Such beauty." Alejandro says dreamily.

"Calm down lover boy. Amazons' you ladies get the statue of David. Here's how it works, it's up to you guys to find your statue hidden somewhere in the low-vera." Chris says struggling with the word Louvre.

"Well, that shouldn't be too hard the statues are big plus I'm amazing at reading brochure maps," Courtney says being cocky.

"Humble," I say under my breath.

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