Episode 4

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My team was sulking on one side of loser class while team victory on the other. Owen was snoring away. Noah hasn’t talk to me or near me since I called him hot. He has tried but he just stutters, smiles and walks away. It’s weird but cute but it does make it hard to actually talk to him and I am trying.
Chris pops his head out of the first class, “And how is everyone back here? That is what I would ask if I cared. Coming through. Make way.”
“Where are you taking us next? Can it please be someplace where there’s no pinball of any kind?” Leshawna says while glaring at Chris.
“Or pandas.” DJ says like he is about to cry.
“Or candied fish tails.” Noah says.
Owen wakes up, “Huh? What?! Fish tails?! Where?!”
“Seriously Owen?!” I say. I can’t believe how mess up his taste buds are to want to eat those.
“Our next destination is everything you’ve just asked for.” Chris says. I roll my eyes and look out the window and see nothing but white. ‘Great the cold’. Chris walks away and goes into the cockpit with Chef.
Seconds later the plane starts to shake and we hear Chef say over the load speaker, “We got some nasty air bumps. Lock your butts to a seat. Over!”
Owen screams, “We’re gonna D-I-I-I-E!” but then Alejandro does something to his shoulder and Owen falls asleep.
“Oh, now you have to show me how to do that!” I tell Alejandro, he smirks and nods at me in response. Everyone is prying that we can make a safe landing.  After a while we make a rough landing on a runway. As we all get up, I grab a back pack I had hooked to the rest of my stuff and then follow the group, which was a mistake as we all fall a few feet to the ground.
“Welcome to the Yukon!” Chris yells and laughs. While Chris is getting bundled up, we all have to stand outside. But I open my bag and put on my winter gear, coat, mittens, earmuffs, and crampons. Thankfully I was already wearing pants. Chris walk in front of us and looks at me surprised which is expected but he didn’t say a word.
“Um, hello?! Where are our jackets?!” Heather yells at Chris.
“Relax—I ordered coats for everyone cheers, “They won’t be ready for weeks, but as soon as they arrive, I’ll be sure to hand them out.” Everyone groans.
Heather then said, “What about Y/N her being bundled up isn’t fair.”
“I packed stuff for cold weather. I didn’t assume that we’d only be in warm weather on a ‘WORLD TOUR’.” I reply for Chris rolling my eyes at Heather.
“M-Maybe we should huddle for warmth.” Courtney says.
Noah hugs Bridgette just to be pushed away with saying, “I h-have a boyfriend!”
Owen then goes to Noah and says, “You can cuddle me, Buddy.” And hugs him and I swear I heard a crunch.
“A little chilly without mittens.” Chris says mocking them and smirks at me.
“Cocoa?” Chef hands Chris a cup.” Chris says slurping on his cocoa. Owen releases Noah and runs up to Chris and asks, “You gonna finish that?”
When Chris goes to answer Sierra runs up an answers, “Of course he is. It’s Chris’ favorite drink,” Chris goes to correct her but she cut him of saying, “Second only to tomato juice.”
Chris’s eyes widen as he leans away and says, “That’s not on the fan s-site. How’d you—”
“I went to your high school and interviewed all your old teachers for the unauthorized biography I’m writing. They said—”
“Okay, okay. Moving on!” Chris shouts pushing her away clearly creeped out.
“Why does she seem proud of being a stalker? It’s creepy.” I say to the person next to me not realizing it was Cody.
“Tell me about it!” He yells.
“I’m sorry.” I put my hand on his shoulder but quickly remove it when I hear a growl from behind me coming from Sierra. I move away from Cody and hide behind Noah and Owen.
“Crossing the icy river in Canada’s frozen tundra used to be easy, back when the river was frozen solid. But tanks to global warming… And Owen, earth is finally becoming a lot more interesting, by which I mean… Deadly!” Chris yells the last word at us and like the crazy women she is Izzy cheers. “Today’s challenge is called total drama—The Icicle! Teams must make their way across this watery chasm by jumping from ice floe to ice floe. Frist team member a crossed must make their way to the dogsleds on the far shore and become the dog, pulling a sled all the way at marked meeting points. Sleds are first come, first serve, so move fast. Don’t worry – if you fall into the water, we’re legally required to save you. So, we have two divers downstream, ready to pull you out.”
Tyler runs over to our team, “You guys ready for some mad ice-floe jumpin’? Cause this guy is kickin’ it into high gear! Hoo?” All the other guys look annoyed.
Heather asks, “What is the reward for this challenge?”
“Did I say ‘reward’?”
“We have already had three eliminations. We’re overdue!” She yells at Chris.
“It’s got to be a reward. There aren’t enough of us for Chris to cut someone in every episode.” Surprisingly Noah got involved in the conversation.
“Yeah, but we found teams try harder during elimination challenges. So, this year, there’s no set routine. Every challenge could end in elimination.” Chris chuckles and everyone else complains. Personally, I just don’t like losing so I don’t care. “That’s the spirit on your mark! Get set! Go!” I’m not sure when be at some point Izzy had grab on to my hand and was pulling me along with her. Izzy was flipping her way on the ice, at first, she would stop and look back at me and help me a bit but soon I got the hang of it. And we made our way a crossed. I was having so much fun with Izzy that I lost track of our other teammates. Before I knew it, we were running to the sled and somehow Tyler beat us guess me and Izzy goofing off made it so he could pass us. Oh well, Izzy jumps on and yells “Whoo! Oh! Look! A speaker! Ours must play music!” I laugh at Izzy antics.
Tyler gasps, “Is that box radioactive?”
“Eh, what isn’t radioactive these days?” Chris shrugged.
“I can’t find the radio anywhere. I think someone stole it.” Izzy says popping out of the box like a jack-in-the-box. I jump on one of the barrels on the sled as Tyler finishes putting on the harness. And we take off. Izzy turns to me and smiles. “Sooo… You like Noah?”
“What!?!” I can’t believe she just straight up asked me that. She just cackles in response.
Tyler yells back at us, “If you see anyone, call out!”
“Oh, Oh, Oh, There’s Tyler!” She yells.
“Other than me!” Noah then runs up and jumps on next to me. I can feel my face getting red, as my heart nearly jumps out of my chest when I seen him.
“Oh, There’s Noah!  Noah, someone stole our radio.” I can’t help but laugh. Izzy is something else. Noah’s teeth start chattering. I felt bad that I was warm but the rest of my team was cold. I was about to offer my coat when I got distracted.
“Tyler, Alejandro is right there.” I call to him, “Izzy confirm. Is he shirtless right now?” Izzy looks and nods at me. He jumps on the sled and puts his shirt on. “Why were you shirtless?”
“Bridgette was cold.” He says like it is the most obvious thing in the world.
“And here I thought I was crazy for wanting to offer my coat to Noah. You’re a whole other level of crazy.”
“Why offer your coat its big enough for you to share it.” Alejandro suggests smirking and pushes Noah closer to me. I unzip my coat and without hesitation Noah shares my coat. He must have been really cold. I look at Alejandro and he has a I have an idea smile as he zips the coat back up. Finally, we find Owen.
“What’s the matter, Big ‘O’?”
“I haven’t eaten in hours. Oh, I wish we were in Russia right now. They’re building the world’s largest cake!”
“Oh, Ho, Ho, Ho! What flavor?”
“Who cares? It’s cake!”
“Okay, Tyler. Time to get moving.” Noah says done with Owen talking about cake.
“I am moving!”
“No, you’re miming.” Noah says irritated that we are not moving.
“Oh! It’s my court shoes! They’re no good on ice. If the contest was pulling a sled across a volleyball court, we would have already won!” Team amazon the runs by us cheering.
“Oh Alejandro, my crampons!”
“My shoes, the things on them, put them on Tyler’s shoes.” While he is doing what I said I notice Noah’s ears are cold so I take off my earmuff and put them on him.
“Ok, Tyler lets move.” Tyler then starts moving not super fast but at least we are moving. After a while Owen starts to get restless.
Owen starts yelling at Tyler, “Dude, get moving already! I need to hit a john or another river, fast!” Owen starts jumping and the ice below us cracks. The only thing keeping us from dying is Tyler. Noah is hanging on to me for dear life as I hold the sled and Alejandro’s hand and he has ahold of Izzy and the Owen. Slowly we all climb up. Tyler pulls up the sled up and it goes flying. We see the finish line and Noah yells to Owen, “Owen lean forward!” We cross the line in second and cheer because we weren’t last.
Chris then jumps into say, “Actually, team victory crossed the line without Bridgette, so they come in last. Which means team amazon is in second place, and team Chris is really, really, really crazy hot takes first.” That makes us even happier considering we almost died. Alejandro then walks away when Owen tries to give him a high-five.
Owen yells after him, “Al, buddy! Al, Al? Al, Al! Al. Al! Al! Al! Al!” I walk over to Owen and give him a high-five. We all head to first class.
Noah comes up to me and said, “T-Thanks.” He said as he hands me back my earmuffs. I put all my winter gear back in my bag.
“No problem, anytime.” I smile at him.
"Um..." Noah says.
"Nothing!" He says and he walks away.
"He likes you." Alejandro says and puts his arm around me.
"Yeah right that's why he is so social with me."
"Yes exactly." He smiles at me and walks away.

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