Lenore's Murder, Final

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"How was your night?" I asked while pouring us each a cup of coffee.

"Sunday nights are always the worst. Trying to sleep alone is hard after sleeping next to you for two nights," he admitted. "I can't wait until we're done here."

Clearing my throat, I passed him his mug of hot coffee. "Speaking of that, what's the plan?"

He tilted his head, not entirely gathering what I meant. "What do you mean?"

"When we're done here," I mumbled.

I hate this. I hate everything about this. Talking about my future and what I want always makes me want to back away. There's a reason I never make it past sex with relationships.

"Take a deep breath, baby," he said softly. Was it that noticeable that I was uncomfortable and fucking terrified? "Are you talking about when we're done in cold cases?"

I nodded. "Are you still going to be going home during the week?"

"I don't see why I would," he shrugged. "Maybe we could rotate between our places. I don't want all my plants to die on me."

The amount of relief that washed through my body was significant. I was terrified he would say yes and intended to leave me when we were done here. I know it's a stupid fear, but it's my anxiety. I can't fucking turn it off.

"Alright, I'm about to break rule number one of us dating while working together." He set his coffee down before making his way to the door and gently shutting it.

"Fuck rule number one," I said while setting my mug next to my computer. "I hate that rule."

"But it's an important one that we shouldn't be breaking, but I'm making an exception," he replied with a chuckle. He pushed my chair under my desk and stepped up to me. While his hands rested on my chest, mine slid around his waist, resting in the small of his back.

"When we're done with cold cases, I don't care what we do. We can rotate between our places. We could mainly stay at yours. We could mainly stay at mine, or depending on how we're feeling in our relationship at that time, we could find a new place together. One that's closer to the middle of our jobs. As long as we're together, I'm okay with whatever we do." I tightened my grip on his waist and pulled him into my chest.

I don't know how the hell I got lucky, but I did. Some people would have made fun of me for not being able to say what I really wanted to say right there. It has happened.

He didn't do that. Without even trying, he reassured every anxious thought I had about our relationship.

When he backed away, his eyes locked on mine.

I love you.

My lips parted, but the words didn't come out.

Not like this. Not at work.

He pushed himself to the balls of his feet before gently pressing his lips against mine. The kiss was short and light, but it was enough. "Now, we have a meeting to be at in thirty minutes on the other side of the city for the bar surveillance video, and the traffic is horrible today."

"Which means we should go," I sighed while releasing my grip on his waist. "Time to put rule number one back in place."

He frowned. "At least we only have to get through a five-day workweek now instead of six."

"That's one more day I get to spend with you," I smirked. Dropping our Saturdays is the only smart thing our bosses have done since they sent us here.

"If we don't leave now, we'll never get out of cold cases," he rolled his eyes playfully and squeezed my hand three times before he took a step back.

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