The Maple Festival

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"No way!" Bakugo laughed while nudging my shoulder, almost making me drop the two full plates in my hands. "The maple bacon was way better than the maple ham."

"And I still think that the maple cider was better than the maple wine." I shrugged. We've eaten over twenty different foods and had over ten different drinks today. I don't think I'm going to eat for another week.

"We'll have to agree to disagree," he chuckled. I'd never heard him laugh so much before. It's a lot more attractive than I thought it would be. I heard him laugh when we went out drinking, but it was nothing like this. He was more carefree this time.

Every time I see him, he shows me another side of him. With every new side I see, I fall more and more.

We walked in silence until we found an empty table in the far corner. We set the plates on the table before taking a seat across from each other.

My favorite thing about sitting across from him is that it's more acceptable for me to stare at him. He has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.

"What should we start with?" Bakugo asked while glancing over the four plates between us.

I reached my hand out and quickly grabbed a piece of taffy. "I've been eyeballing this taffy since we got here," I replied.

"I've been thinking of the maple glazed honey buns all day." Considering he doesn't have a sweet tooth, he's been eating pretty much nothing but sugar today. The only thing that wasn't completely sweet was the maple chili sauce he had on his maple glazed wings. He said it was more spicy with a sweeter aftertaste. I'm not one for spicy, so I wasn't willing to try it.

We both ripped our food in half and set one half back on the plate. While I munched on the taffy, he ate his half of the honeybun. When we were done, we switched the foods. This is how we've been tasting food all day. We split it so we can compare the tastes better.

"They're both really good, but I would prefer the taffy," I said. He slowly chewed on the taffy, not impressed by it. I don't know what hurts my heart more, him not liking the taffy, or sitting so close to him and not being able to reach across the table and touch him.

"The taffy is better," he said with a smile while deciding on what to eat next.

I looked at him in confusion. "Then what was with the twisted face?"

"It's a texture thing. Taffy can be slimy sometimes, but the taste was better than the honey bun." My mom is the same way. She hates mushrooms, most raw fish foods, anything that can be slightly slimy.

"Let's try the brownie and cupcake next." He nodded his head in agreement while grabbing the cupcake. I grabbed the brownie and ripped it in half before setting half if it on the plate in front of him.

I bit into the brownie before letting out a quiet hum of satisfaction. It was slightly undercooked in the middle, causing it to be gooey. These types of brownies are always the best.

"Here," Bakugo said while holding the other half of the cupcake out for me to grab. We didn't have a knife or anything to cut it with, so he bit into it. The thought of eating off of something his mouth touched sent shivers down my spine. It shouldn't considering we kissed before, but it does.

"I don't have cooties," he chuckled when I made no movement to grab the cupcake.

I laughed before taking it from his hand. "We're not in second grade you know?" He ate the other half of the brownie while I finished the cupcake.

"The cupcake wins," I said immediately.

"Is that a biased opinion because you also got to taste a little bit of me with the cupcake?" His smirk killed me every time. If he keeps this up, I'm not going to last the eleven-ish months we have left. There's no way.

"Maybe," I muttered.

"What are the odds we can convince our bosses to let us go back to our jobs sooner than when we're supposed to?" he asked while grabbing a donut.

"Not likely. I'm scared if we try, they'll keep us there longer." I sighed. I want nothing more than to permanently go back to my team. I wish I could say it's because I miss my team, but it's not. It's because I want nothing more than to kiss Bakugo again.

He groaned loudly. "Usually a year goes by pretty fast for me. This one is going to drag on forever."

I reached my hand out and grabbed the maple cheesecake bites. "I think the year will go by fast if we just try to push everything to the back of our mind."

"I don't know about you, but that's hard for me to do." He reached his hand out, clutching a small piece of the donut in his fingers. "Open your mouth," he said in a deep, husky voice.

Oh god. Why did he have to say it like that?

When I opened my mouth, he shoved the small piece of donut between my teeth. It wasn't too different than a normal glazed donut, but it tasted way better.

"How is it?" Bakugo asked before grabbing one of the cheesecake bites from the plate.

"It's good," I respond. "I like the bites better, though."

He chewed on his food for a minute before responding. "I don't think there's anything here that will beat these."

I chuckled while reaching for another one. "Yeah, agreed." Other than him of course. I'm still feeling a little biased toward the cupcake.

We made small talk while continuing to snack on our food between our conversation. When the sun started to go down, we decided to head back to our hotel for the night. The rest of the night was spent talking about anything we could think of to keep the conversation going. We ended up staying up until past midnight, just chatting in our separate beds. It was the best night I'd had in a while.

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