The Mistakes

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"Are you going to spend the whole night ignoring me?" I asked, keeping my eyes focused on the run-down house we were watching. This asshole hasn't said a word to me since I picked him up at his home after he changed out of his clothes. I know I told him to grow a backbone, but damn. Usually, people take my advice and move on. They typically don't get this petty.

"I'm not ignoring you. I just don't have anything to say." He shrugged, taking a sip of his coffee.

"If you don't have anything to say, why do you keep giving me the evil eye every time I turn my head?" I asked, looking back at him. His eyes were scrunched, and he had a scowl on his face.

"I like how I run my team, and I didn't need your judgment about it." He sighed, setting his coffee back in the cupholder.

"You don't run your team, they run you." I chuckled. To be a boss, you have to know how to assign people. You can't let your team decide what they want to do and when they want to do it. If I asked someone to present and they told me no, they would be on desk duty for at least a week.

"They know where I want them to be." He countered.

"You're telling me they are exactly where you want them to be? You wouldn't have chosen anything different?" I asked. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. I couldn't tell if he was thinking about it or trying to calm himself down.

"The only thing I would have done differently is sent Shinso to talk to his side-chick. He has a knack for getting people to talk and open up to him." He groaned. "But he hates people, so he usually works behind the scenes."

"They're not going to get better and build themselves in their career if they stay in the same area forever," I informed. I had the same issue when I got promoted and chose my team too. I had to lay my foot down and push them in different areas to bring out their true potential.

"I like the way my team works, so your input isn't needed." He said through clenched teeth. "That's not what I'm mad about, though." He added.

"Then what are you mad about?" I asked. I was trying to get a better read on his emotions, but it was hard in the dark like this. Our car was turned off so we could stay hidden, but it sucked when you were trying to see your partner.

"You made me feel like an idiot with your laughs when we presented earlier. I felt like a tool." He said cynically, reaching for his coffee again.

"Well, you certainly looked like one." I scowled. I wasn't trying to piss him off earlier, but I couldn't help myself. "It's disgusting that your team practically runs itself. It's no wonder you guys had to ask us for help." I scoffed.

"Excuse me?" He asked loudly. "I don't need your advice on how to run my team. I didn't want your help! We don't need it. We were closing in. You guys got dragged in because of his wife! That doesn't make you special!" He yelled. I didn't need to see his face to know he was pissed.

"I'm just trying to give you some friendly advice!" I yelled back. "You don't have to take it. If you're comfortable with them walking all over you, then that's fucking fine!" I yelled back.

"I think you need to learn to keep your opinions to yourself unless someone asks for them! Who the hell are you to insert yourself into places you don't need to be in?" He asked. We weren't going to get anywhere like this. However, I loved the way his voice dropped an octave when he was mad. It was a lot hotter than I would care to admit.

"I speak the truth." I shrugged. "I'm sorry that you can't handle it!"

"You can shove your truth up your-" We both stopped yelling when we heard a blood-curdled scream echo through the wooded area. We both sprang to action and practically jumped out of the car. I heard him talk into his radio on his shoulder, but I wasn't paying attention to what he said. I was running towards the source of the scream, grabbing my gun from its holster.

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