This Week

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I slowly walked into the empty room when I got off the elevator. The main room for my team has been sitting empty since I took over. It used to be a shared workspace for everyone in the office, but I decided to let them share my office with me. They didn't like the fact that anyone could walk in here and have access to their desks. Uraraka and Shinso are terrible about locking their desks up when leaving.

My office turned into a shared office for everyone. Instead of being their boss and correcting their behavior, I found a way to work around their bad habits and make them happy. Why did it take me so long to realize it was not normal?

I gave up my personal breakroom and coffee area for storage for all of the broken chairs. I should make Iida and Uraraka try to fix them and take them down to the actual storage room in the basement. They rarely break a chair in the same area twice, so they could probably combine all the good pieces.

I walked to the breakroom and pushed the door open. I wasn't surprised to see the room a disaster. Nobody bothered cleaning up after themselves half of the time. Todoroki was usually good at it, but they've probably been overwhelmed since I haven't been here. They've had to do all of the paperwork, which can take hours since I've never really made them do it before.

I shut the door behind me and walked to the bathroom. I debated opening the door for a minute before shaking my head. There's no way in hell that I'm opening that. Iida usually kept it clean, but I don't know if I'm willing to take that risk.

I don't want to lose them as friends, but I have to be their boss too. What's the best way to start with that?

I turned toward what should be my office. Taking my office back would be a good start. I miss having my own space where everything is organized. I never had problems finding my files or anything like that. Not to mention, it would be nicer to have privacy every once in a while. I love my team, but they drive me crazy from time to time.

I took a deep breath and crossed the room. The office door had a big glass window, but it was covered with a curtain. I slowly pushed the door open and turned the light on. Some empty bottles and cans were in small stacks on the floor by their cubicles, but it wasn't as bad as I expected. I walked around to my desk, and anger rose in my body. Yeah, this is why the rest of the room didn't look too bad. My empty desk was littered with pizza boxes and fast food bags. I've been gone for about a month, and they suddenly lost all respect for me and my stuff.

If they ever had any, to begin with.

I walked back out of the office and into the break room. I wasn't going to clean the entire place, but I was cleaning that office. I don't want any of their stuff in here when they come in tomorrow morning at nine. I don't have any cleaning supplies up here, so I'll have to grab some from the janitor's area in the morning. We were usually good at keeping the place clean, so I always told them to skip our area.

I regret that decision now.

I opened the trash bag and started cleaning up the room. Usually, I would have a bag for recyclables, but I don't feel like sorting them right now. I don't want to be here all night. I want to go home, lounge on my couch, and text Bakugo.

Surprisingly, it only took one bag to clean up the trash. When the bag was full, I carried it out to the hallway so I could take it downstairs with me when I left. When I opened the door, I was surprised to find my boss standing only two feet away. It's six in the evening on Sunday. What is he doing here? I figured he would be on his way to his conference by now.

"You know, you technically aren't supposed to be in here until tomorrow," he said in a joking tone.

I opened the door further so he could follow me back inside. "I'm glad I came in, though. This place is a disaster." I motioned to the open break room door as we walked past. "What are you doing here?"

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