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A paper airplane is flown into the ocean past the ripples of the waves carried by the wind tracing the blue scenery.

The paper airplane was Freen's first letter to Saint.


Dear, My Brother, Saint

You have time? I think my letter is long enough.

Maybe I need to be polite before I get to the point, yes, because I'm not like you.

Hmm. All right, how are you, Saint? What are you doing now?

Okay. That is enough.

Now I want to scold you, why don't you tell me that you are my brother? You didn't even give me a warning that Mister Shon is my father. He sucks.

But, I don't want to think about it. And by the way don't worry, your father hasn't followed you there yet, he's back to health now. Even though he always asked me to be his successor, I always refused.

Does your dad piss you off too? I hope not.

Hmm? What should I say again?

Oh! Becca!

You see it? It seems that what you want comes true, she likes me. No. She loves me, and yeah I do too.

Are you jealous now? Ha ha. I hope you feel that way, and ask god to make you come back to earth just once to meet me. Haha

Saint, I have never said this in person, I feel sorry for not telling you.


I am very grateful for your coming into my life, whatever it is. Those missions and that precious heart, I'm so grateful. Because of you, I was able to meet her, the best woman for me.

Saint, if you can read this letter, I just want you to know that, my life really changed because you found me. I'm grateful for that.

As for Becca, I've barely been able to leave the house lately. Because she thinks I'm eyeing other women out there. Also, she was always grumpy all day after the doctor checked my condition. However, the anger was only for a moment, even though I didn't really take it seriously, she always rushed to hug me and apologized for all that.

Ha ha. How? Are you jealous, Saint? By the way, Becca is getting prettier every day.

And! Becca is back in college now! She went your way, Saint. She seems to really like the medical world, even though she can't be bothered right now. I can't even make small talk. Well, what can I do, in a few days she will have her semester exams. It's her first year.

I don't know how, but when I asked Becca's father to rethink Becca's way of life, Mr. Rach allowed Becca to go to medical school. And Becca is always amazed, she asks me, how do I convince her father. I just said, 'talk?' and my answer pissed her off at her father a few days. She still feels, she is not the child of Armstrong until now. Haha


Saint, I miss you. But I hope, I do not follow you in the near future. Haha, I still want to support Becca in pursuing her goals. I still want to be by her side.

Now, I think, I'm crazy about that beautiful woman. She already occupies my thoughts, even I can't think of anything else. And yeah, I published a new book, you want to read it? Buy it at the nearest store. Haha.

Everything about Becca was in that book, I called it Love by Fate. This time I read it many times, it has about you too, but only a little. Haha. The rest is about Becca.

And about Pieris? Actually I don't want to brag about it to you, but what can I do. I want you to know everything.

Pieris is me. My mom made up that story.

Since then I believe that nothing happens by chance in this world. You think you believe in fate, Saint? I believe.

About Nam, she's fine now. In fact she didn't really care about all that when I told everything your father did to my mother. We are still sisters, haven't changed, she still loves me and nags me all the time. But, she was always soft on Becca.

One more thing, I don't live in your house Saint. I bought a house without stairs in Bangkok. It made me more comfortable, and Becca stayed with me the whole time.
But she was always late when she went to college in the morning, for various reasons. I think you don't need to know that reason. Yes, the reason might make you hot with jealousy. Haha

Is there anything else I haven't told you about?

If there is, please just ask, I'll tell you later.

Maybe that's all, I don't know when I will have the opportunity to write a letter to you again. I know it's a little silly, writing a letter and flying it. But, I always feel, you listen to me.

Saint, about true love. I hope God gives that opportunity for me.
Or, you can reason with Him. Don't you love convincing others?

Well that's that then. I stopped writing here.




White Butterfly


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