Chapter 25

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Destiny plays in writing, moving to unite the separate lines. The line is like bond, connection and attraction. Humans become its target, forced to live everything that has been set. - Srch


"You don't want to go home?" Freen asked Saint, this man followed wherever Freen went.

Saint just shook his head, he didn't get the last plane ticket. He will be home tomorrow, at noon. "Is there no other place but here, Freen?" Saint was wearing Freen's thick jacket, he felt cold. "I can't believe you're out here at night." Saint just saw Freen standing there enjoying the calm sea. Now Freen wasn't on the coastal rocks, she was standing on the side of the road, looking out at the dark but moonlit night world.

"I just feel tired, nothing can cheer me up besides this sight." Freen chuckled now, she let out a slight sigh, "I didn't even write poetry, but don't know why the night breeze is so cool, I like it." Saint didn't know it, that day was the anniversary of her mother's death.

Saint didn't really share Freen's point of view, as he was now nearly frozen to death. This cold night made Saint want to go back to his car, go home and find the nearest inn. Occasionally Saint blows air into his palms, hoping to give a warm feeling to his body.

"Saint," Freen said again, interrupting Saint who was warming his body. Freen smiled before saying, "I'm curious about your woman." Freen saw right between the dark blue and black of the night, there was a dividing line there.

When Freen said 'your woman' Saint started to smile, that cold look only appeared once in a while, now that he was pleased with Becky that Freen called her, Saint asked, "What made you curious about her?" The smile didn't disappear, it was still there.

Freen looked around, there were so many things she liked here, the ocean, the ripples, the sky that wasn't blue, the moon was bright and the clouds were black. Freen wanted to know if any of them liked Becky.

Freen thought a long time about this question, she worded it better, like, does Becky like the ocean as much as I do? or what moon does she prefer, crescent or full? or, does she also like the ripple of small waves? Freen couldn't choose the question, even for her there was nothing nice to ask.

Finally she asked curtly, "What does she like?" Just like that, this short question has such a broad meaning, it could be about hobbies or food. But it doesn't matter, Freen just wanted to ask about the woman who almost amazed her every time Saint mentioned her name, Rebecca.

Saint seems to know Becky very well, Saint's face looks like he doesn't think about anything, he seems to know what the right answer is for that question. Saint saw Freen this time, he was chuckling now, as if keeping his interaction with Becky in mind. Saint turned his face again, he didn't try to look at anything, he just stood up and warmed himself up again. Saint said in a cheerful tone, "Pieris."

"Hm? Pieris?" That word made Freen confused, she didn't know what Pieris meant by the saint.

Saint never stopped smiling, he said again, "Back then, Becky really liked Pieris." He recalled how Becky had told him about Pieris, "Pieris is a little white butterfly, but to Becky it's a little angel with wings." Saint explained while imagining how much Becky loved the story.

Freen only heard this time, she wanted Saint to say more about Pieris.

Saint saw Freen's face waiting for him to speak, Saint smiled with that curious look, his sister was so adorable to him, then he finally said again, "It's about the book her mother always told her when she was little when she wanted to sleep." Saint paused again, then remembered how Becky had told him about the book, "Becky really liked the figure of Pieris in the book, Pieris is the name of a human who had two white butterflies on her left and right shoulders. Every time this child cries, the butterflies the butterfly calms her down. However, the butterfly fades as this child grows up, they seem to be hiding in the child's body which ultimately makes the child become like an angel who always feels calm in every situation." Saint briefly explained all the stories Becky had told him. Saint never read the book, Becky said that there is only one book in the world.

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