Worst Day Ever

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Acacia and I have really clicked in a great way and I can gladly say that I am happy to be her friend instead of an enemy. We had our ups and downs this whole week, like when we fought over Austin on Monday. Tuesday we got our hair done, and right when we walked out of the hair salon it started to rain. Wednesday Austin told me he liked me, then went ahead and kissed Acacia. Thursday Trevor texted me and right when I was going to text him back Acacia slapped my arm and my iPhone felll in a puddle. Friday, well today is Friday and so far my day is horrible.

''Good morning'' Acacia says while pulling the sheets off of me.

''I don't want to wake up'' I say while kicking her

''Well you have to it's already 2:00pm''

2:00pm? Lately I have been waking up late, and it's not just that. This whole week I have had nightmares and they were all about Trevor.


I look at my phone to see a new text message from Trevor

Trevor: Hey Hailey it's Trevor

I look at the message and don't reply back. We haven't talked in for ever so what makes him think that I am just going to talk to him now? But I did not want to seem rude so I wrote back to him

Hailey: Oh Hi Trevor

Trevor: Are you still mad at me?

Hailey: Obviously

Trevor: :( I am so sorry

Hailey: Mhm..

Trevor: Please forgive me?

Hailey: I gave you so many chances. No.

Trevor: When you did stuff with Austin I gave you another chance. When you drove to Texas because you wanted to say sorry to me. I forgave you. When ever you made a mistake, I forgave you. How can you just throw all of those memories away, like nothing happened between us? You never felt a spark when we kissed? When I held you wasit you never had chills go down your spine? When I held your hand you never blushed? When ever I would carry you on my back you never laughed? When ever I would call you beautiful you never felt butterflies in your stomach? I was always here for you when you were sad, mad, or even stressed. I was the person you told you that I wanted to be with you. I was the person who first said ''I love you''. If you don't want to give me another chance then you don't have to. I cant keep giving and giving when I am not getting anything in return. Go ahead and make the choice you want to make. I will still love you and if you want to come back to me I will be here waiting for you. Waiting for that special moment we had once again.

Hailey: Trevor you never once told your parents about us dating, we were a secret. You never liked to show me off infront of your friends. I was just another one of your friends who were girls. I loved you and I gave myself to you to show you that only loved you. What did I get in return? What I got in return was 8 months of  hell. You treated Acacia way better than you treated me. To top it off you broke up with me so that your parents wouldn't find out what you did at a party! You drank alcohol who cares! I was heart broken, then to top it off you go ahead and write all this bull shit on Twitter. None of your fans like me anymore, why? Because of you. You made my life worse. I can't walk around Miami without people pointing fingers at me saying ''Oh wow she was desperate because she didn't even last with that kid Trevor Moran'' I'm getting hate on Twitter and all of my other social networks. I can't even post a photo on Instagram without someone writing a bad comment on it. Thanks Trevor for ruining my life. Thanks

Trevor: I know and I want you to forgive me because I could show you that I have changed. Changed my personality, the way I act, the way I talk to people and treat people. I just want you and that's all. You complete me, you were the reason why I always had a smile on my face. Without you I have to walk around with a fake smile telling everyone that I am okay. When in reality I am not even close to being fine. You weren't desperate I loved you, and you loved me. It wasn't hard to tell the truth

Hailey: Did I tell you to change? No right? Trevor at this point I am done trying, done trying for only you and this is how it is going to stay. If you want me to come to you, you sure as hell got things mixed up. I would never go  back to you.

Trevor: I miss the old me too...

If Trevor missed the old him he could have at least showed it, or at least show that he cared for me. But I didn't need this negativity in my life. Tomorrow was Teen Hoot, now I'm not no YouTuber but I had tickets to go because of Acacia.

''You excited for tomorrow?'' Acacia says while giving me a creepy stare

''Ew stop being ugly, of course I am excited.'' I say while trying not to laugh

''I love you'' Acacia says while hugging me

''I love me too'' I say while hugging myself.

I was pretty weird, but never really cared about what people thought about me. I loved myself for who I was. I would never change for anyone. I had my outfit ready for tomorrow I wasn't really up for this, but Acacia said Austin was going to be there which was great because I wouldn't have to be alone with Trevor..


The day went by fast, I haven't talked to Trevor since early in the afternoon. But today was just another bad day. With all this drama in my life nothing is going to get better

''Go to bed and stop stressing about today. I promise you that tomorrow will get better'' Acacia says while tucking me in and kissing me on the fore head like a little baby

''I promise you that tomorrow will get better.'' That sentence just made my day a little better. I just hope she keeps her promise

Tomorrow will be better Hailey. Was what I kept saying to myself to make things feel alright.

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