Finally 18

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It was April 6th of 2012 and I was finally 18, I have always wanted to live in Miami Florida, and leave this cold hearted town. 

''Mom now that I am officially 18 can I start a new life in Miami Florida?'' I say while shooting my mom a smile waiting for her to respond. I was in desperate need to leave this state Colorado. 18 years of living here and there was never a time where, I have ever called this state ''my home''.

''Hailey'' My mom said. ''I just think that moving to another state and leaving your single mother alone without a daugther is horrible. But you are 18 so if you want to leave Colorado then go ahead, I just hope you know what you are doing.'' 

''Mother I am 18, I am very independent and I know what is good for me and what is bad. Remember who is the mature adult here'' I say while rolling my eyes at my mother.

''Yes! It is me, you are not even close to being an adult, once you are in your 20's I will consider you an adult. If you are going to move might as well start packing your clothes and other nesscessary belongings.'' My mother says while laughing. 

I loved my mother at least she did not keep me in a bubble, she understood what being a teenager meant. She only wanted the best for me thats all, I mean I never made any friends here in Colorado I was home schooled which made everything worse. I never got out un less my mom wanted to do something with me which was basically never because she would work for 18 hours straight. She never had time for her ''only daugther.''

''You are beautiful so be careful when you leave to go to Miami. I don't want a pediphile to be hitting on you, remember that in this world you can't trust anyone there are some sick people in this world.''  Well thanks mom I thought. Thanks for scaring me. 

''I'm almost done I have one more box that I have to pack.'' I shout to my mom  while trying to duck tape the box closed which was labled ''memories''. Yes memories, every memory I have shared with my mother was in this box, would I miss her? Of course, we have been with each other through thick and thin and just leaving her is such a big step in life. 

Finally I finish packing at 12:00pm I was so excited to leave this state tomorrow and start a new life in another state. I run upstairs take a warm shower and finally lay on my bed and relax. 8:00am was the time that I was leaving tomorrow  to go to Miami Florida. HOW EXCITING!

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