Off To Florida

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This was the moment where I leave, where I start a new life with out my mother. I am finally an adult and I can feel glad when I say it. This was the part where you leave your parents and you start to cry because you know that you'll miss them. That was exactly how it was for me and my mother. I said my good byes and walked away slowly and sadly. Turning back around I could tell that she missed me. I ran to her to say my last good bye and to say that ''I loved her.''

We let go of each other and I drift off into the huge crowd of travelers. I look back to see my mother waving to me, as I kept walking I couldn't see her anymore and that was when I could feel my chest start to hurt and my palms start to sweat. I missed my mother so much, maybe leaving her wasn't such a great idea.

Going on the airplane was tough because I was always afriad of them. I looked at my phone which the time was 8:00am. Looking through pictures of me and mother made me cry, and I started to sob. ''Everything is going to be okay'' Was what I kept saying to myself. But was that really the truth or was I just lying to myself because I knew that nothing was going to be the same.

I arrived at Florida at 3:00pm it was 90 degrees and I was wearing jeans and a jacket. What a bad day today was turning out to. Hot weather, and leaving my mother. But as I got off the airplane and into the airport everything just could not get any better. I waited half an hour trying to get my luggage and I had to wait half an hour just to get a taxi.

Finally I got home, yes I am glad to call Miami ''my home''. When I arrived to my house all I wanted to do was just jump on the couches and on the beds, but I didn't want to have so much fun. I still missed my mom, and when ever I would call her she would never answer. Maybe she's sleeping, she sleeps pretty early. What if she forgot about me? No silly me she would never. Finally she answered..

''Hailey! Baby how's everything?''

Just hearing her voice made me want to cry, but I had to stay strong and act like everything was okay. This was my idea.

''Great mama, just great. The house is huge, and I am just about to go to the beach''

''The beach? Make sure you don't go to far in the water, I don't want you to drown''

Oh, how I loved my mom, always checking up on me, and making sure I am okay even when I'm not with her.

''Okay well mom I have to go''

I tried to keep calm but I broke down crying on the phone. I shut off my phone so she wouldn't hear me nor call me.

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