All boils down to this (pt2) - Chapter 24

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Debating on how this should end. I don't want to ask you guys but... if you want you could give me some pointers. When I first started the story I had no clue what I was planning to do. And then like chapter 9 I planned everything out. I don't know. I'm gonna cry. But I liked writing this chapter, so I hope you liked reading it.


I sat down on Lucia's couch and sighed. Everyone else was talking about random stuff and the whole situation. But I didn't know what the heck was going on, so I'm going to stay out of it.

"Hey Batata"

I looked up as Amity sat next to me. I don't think she ever found out what that word meant.

"Oh. Hi Amity." I waved at my girlfriend. "Sorry if you were thinking about something over here..." Amity let out a slight chuckle as she scooted closer to me. "No, no! I wasn't thinking about much. Did you need something?" I smiled at her. Even if I were thinking about something, I wouldn't want to trouble her. "I guess you could say that..." Amity started to play with her finger's and I definitely noticed. "What's that?" I replied. It's like she was nervous. I always noticed the tiny little things about her. From the playing with the hem of her skirt, to when she blushed without trying to get me to notice. 

"Well... I-I saw a recording of you and Hunter hugging I guess. If you didn't like me anymore, you could've just told me Luz." she looked away from my sight and the shakiness in her hands increased. "What?" I asked. Genuinely, this girl had me confused. "What? What do you mean what?" Amity turned back to me. "Ohh! Did someone record that or something. T-Titan... that's embarrassing." I mumbled. That god-damn Belos! Is he trying to make fun of me? "What do you mean? Y-You two like each other don't you?" Amity looked a bit confused.

I just sat there dumbfounded. Then after a few seconds I started laughing. "W-What? H-HAHA! THAT'S HILARIOUS, WHAT?" I swore at that moment, tears were coming out of my eyes. "H-How!? What?" Amity just looked plain confused. Like a lost kitten? Or like Owlbert when I try to talk to him about My Witch Academia, but he doesn't get it. "A-Amity seriously!" I wiped a tear from my eye and leaned over to grab her face. I stared at the girl directly and smiled. "You know I wouldn't choose anyone over you mittens." I booped her nose and could see the familiar redness on her face come in. "W-Why were you hugging him then?" Amity whispered. "Well... there was a huge bug on the wall and I got scared... then Hunter got scared too" I awkwardly scratched my hair. Amity looked like she understood the situation and let out a simple sigh. She moved my hands off of her face and pulled me into a tight embrace. No literally. I could barely breathe.

"I'm sorry Luz." Amity whispered into my ear. Her soft voice. Like the pitch of a cat's meow. Soft but delicate...  a thing you want to hold tight and never let go. You want to hold it until you get the satisfaction of squeezing it enough. But with a cat that satisfaction is something you won't get; just like Amity. Maybe Ghost saw Amity as one of her kind. "For what?" I rubbed her back and smiled slightly. Hearing her apologize hurts me. "For even thinking you would fall in love with someone without telling me first" Amity spoke. I couldn't see her face. What expression was the youngest Blight making? "You should feel bad for thinking I would fall in love with someone besides you in general. Don't apologize Amity... I love you too much to leave you." I continued to rub her back in a comforting way. Amity was the first person who's actually liked me for who I am. I could never like anyone else.

"I love you too... Lu...z..." Amity's voice slowly died down, and I assumed she was asleep. Gosh! What's with Blight's and sleep?

Lucia POV

"So... what you're saying is that basically Belos and his guards are after you?" Wionna looked at Mateo. "Yeah..." the tan boy laughed. But this matter wasn't funny. "That's why Amelia was so mad at me!? Oh titan... I've gotta tell-" just as I was about to leave, Wionna grabbed my arm. "Woah. Calm down girl, you'll get to talk to her later okay?" she smiled and let go of my arm. "Thanks Wionna." I replied.

"W-What do we do then? Uncle is not a merciful man... he will kill even me if he finds us." Hunter spoke. His hands were obviously shaking... damn Belos. I... trusted him. Maybe it's better that I don't have a father figure in my life, huh? Men are shit.

"Hunter, it'll be alright. We'll get this figured out, and you'll go back to Hexside with us like usual okay?" Willow hugged the scrawny boy, and I'm pretty sure he blushed. I'm actually like ninety percent sure. "Alright so... I have a plan." Mateo leaned his shoulder on my closet door. "What's that?" I replied. "Well. Belos will do anything for Hailey, I've learned that from being her childhood friend." he said with a small smirk. "Woah woah woah. Okay Mateo I know you and Lucia are friends. But... if you're that close with Hailey, why should we trust you?" Wionna stood up and walked over to him with a suspicious look. "I guess you're right. I know I may seem dumb sometimes, but I can obviously see Hailey is being stupid right now. Plus I don't want to marry Amelia... because uh..." Mateo thought for a second. "Because what? What's wrong with Amelia, huh?" I shot a look at him. Mateo put his hands up and laughed awkwardly. "Well I'm asexual. Jeez Lucia, don't get your panties in a bunch." he rolled his eyes at me. "Oh... that makes sense." I spoke. What a waste to look like a guy out of a romance movie, but you're asexual.

"Anyway, if we get Hailey to say she doesn't like Lucia anymore. Then Belos will probably stop trying to force relationships together." Mateo gave Wionna a thumbs up and she nodded. Wait... wait what. "Huh? Hailey... likes me? What!?" I yelled. "Shh! You'll wake up Amity and Amelia" Luz yelled at me from the couch. "Wait you didn't know that?" Wionna squinted her eyes at me. "What sane person would ask for you to continue the Clawthorne-Wittebane bloodline with them if they didn't like you...?" Hunter asked. "I thought she was joking!?" I replied. There's no actual way? "Of course not! She planned the whole thing at the park when she met you!?" Mateo raised an eyebrow. "And you didn't tell me!?" I shot back. "Why would I tell you about my friend's crush on you?" Mateo slapped his forehead. "Yeah... I get that" I mumbled. Titan... I feel the need to apologize to both of those girls. Amelia and Hailey... both like me. They like a person like me, and what's worse is that I didn't even notice it. This whole time I've been selfish... I thought that Amelia hated me and I only saw Hailey as a friend. It's true that I still think of Hailey as a friend... but I should've thought of her more. Wow, what am I saying? Why would I think of Hailey like that when I like Amelia. I'm just dumb. "You okay?"

Wionna wrapped a arm around me. "Huh? Y-Yeah... can I just get some fresh air? You guys can continue Mateo's plan." I replied. Wionna looked at me and I could tell she was worried, but she let me go. Hunter waved to me and I waved back while I opened my door to head up the stairs.

Then I went through the living room and saw that Amelia was still asleep, so I quietly opened the front door. I walked outside and closed the door back the same way I opened it. Then I slid myself down the wall of the house, onto the floor. "Ughh..." I groaned.

"Hoot, hoot! You okay Lucia?" a familiar bird worm was in front of me. "Oh. Hey Hooty, yeah... I'm fine" I smiled. "It doesn't look that way. To actually smile you have to show it with your lips and eyes. Your eyes are failing miserably" Hooty spoke. "Haha... you caught me." I replied. "I knew it! Lucia you could talk to me about anything" Hooty slightly smiled. It was creepy but comforting. "Thanks... I'll tell you when I need help with anything okay?" I replied and pulled out my phone. "Hoot!" Hooty yelled and slipped his headphones on. That music was probably horrible, but it made him happy, so I guess it doesn't matter.

As I pulled out my phone contacts I slightly hesitated at the person's number I was looking at. It was mom's. I haven't changed the name since middle school.

Mami >:)

Mom, can me and Luz go back to the human realm? I don't think this place is for us. - Sent at 10:08 PM

I stared at the message thinking about whether I should delete it or not, when I heard the door open. I quickly pressed the power button and slipped my phone in my pocket. I looked up at the door and I quickly felt a lump in my throat.

"Uhm hey... Noceda."

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