Chilling with the Wittebane's (pt2) - Chapter 21

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(I can't wait to finish this story, so I could finish my 3 other ones and start getting my 500 drafts out. I have two lumity stories in the drafts with descriptions, tags, and a cover. I also have five mha one's. Someone please send help.)

Lucia POV

"Hell no! That's teaming!" I yelled. "How is it teaming. It's two teens versus a young adult? Grow up" Luz rolled her eyes. We we're playing on Hunter's ps5 again, after we talked about Willow and stuff we decided to play FIFA on it. I mean I understand that I'm the best at the game because I took soccer lesson's in the human realm... but still. "You two are sore loser's" I frowned. "You're the sore loser!" Hunter yelled.

A few seconds after we we're about to start the game, there was a knock on the door. Hunter looked a bit confused, but he got up and walked to the door. "Who do you think that is?" Luz asked. "I don't know, maybe Belos?" I responded while taking a bite of my Doritos. I tilted the bag towards Luz and she took a handful. "I haven't had human food in forever!" Luz yelled in excitement and I laughed. "Hunter! What the hell!?" I heard a familiar voice come from the door. "What!?" Hunter yelled back in an annoyed tone. "Why are you so loud!? I can hear you from all the way downstairs and your friend isn't being loud at all!" the person said while walking into the room. Huh? "Tch! I don't care, go away!" Hunter tried pushing the girl out of his room, but she didn't budge. She looked at me and I looked at her. "Hailey?" I squinted my eyes to see the girl. She was wearing her usual Golden Guard suit. Luz looked a bit confused and Hunter was just flat out annoyed.

"Lucia!? What are you doing here?" Hailey walked up to me. "Well apparently Luz wanted me to come here with her. So... here I am haha..." I awkwardly laughed. Hailey looked at my sister and took her mask off. "Oh! So that's Luz, nice to meet you." Hailey smiled and put a hand towards Luz but all she did was look at it. "You're not a fan of handshakes then...?" Hailey awkwardly laughed and put her hand down. "Luz! Don't be rude!?" I scolded the girl. "Sorry! I just... sorry." Luz apologized. I've never seen her look this upset before. That's odd.

"Anyway! Lucia, I missed you" Hailey sat next to me with a smile. "Wait didn't you say you we're busy?" I mumbled. "Well yeah, but Mateo and I have a meeting here tomorrow. So today it's just you and me!" the blonde girl smiled and stood up. I couldn't help but smile too. "Woah woah woah! Lucia's my guest Hailey!" Hunter frowned and stood in front of her. "Hmm? Come on Hunt, don't be selfish" Hailey pouted and crossed her arms. Luz didn't say anything still. It's as if she were thinking about something. "B-But..." Hunter looked at me and then turned to his sister. "Please? Lucia will hang out with you later okay?" Hailey hugged him and he gave in. "Fine. Just don't take her from me... Lucia and Luz are good... sister's to me" the boy looked away while playing with his finger's. "Aw! Hunter you're like a big brother to me" Luz stood up and jumped on her friend. Hunter laughed in response while trying to push her off of him. "Okay then... Uhm, I guess I'm gonna go?" I got up and Hailey leaned her head on my shoulder. "Alright you two, don't stay up playing video games all night. Luz, Hunter should be a prime example look at his eye bags." Hailey laughed as we made our way to the door. "Oh screw you!" Hunter yelled on our way out.

"So..." Hailey skipped in front of me with a smile. We were standing in the hallway alone. "What do you want to do?" she smirked with her hands behind her. I thought for a moment.... what do I want to do? "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked while setting my hands behind my neck. Hailey stood there for a moment with a shocked expression on her face. "Hmph." she mumbled and turned around to walk to her room. "Huh? What's wrong?" I caught up to her, but she kept on pouting like a child. "If we we're in a room alone... by ourselves, you'd want to watch a movie?" Hailey asked while looking away. "Yeah...? What else would we do Hailey... Oh." I picked up what she was saying, and my face reddened up. "Hailey!? Friend's don't do that kind of stuff!?" I yelled and continued walking to her room. "Friend's, huh?" I heard her whisper but didn't fully catch it.

Amity POV

"Amity come on! Don't act like that" Emira yelled at me. "No! It's not fair, why do I have to go to that stupid meeting when it's for Amelia!" I ranted on. At the moment I was laying on my bed in pity as Emira was in my closet looking for a dress. "Mittens come on? It's not that bad, we have to go too y'know?" Emira turned around at me to smile. "It's not that bad? IT'S NOT THAT BAD?" I yelled and sat up. "Uh... yeah?" she awkwardly laughed. "I had to cancel my plans with Luz for this stupid... UGH!" I threw a pillow at the wall and groaned. It's totally not fair! Why am I even going? If the family was out I could've stayed home with the maids! Emira smiled purely and sat down next to me on the bed. "Listen, I know you and Luz are really close, and I could tell you want to be with her all the time. But, she won't leave you okay? You being next to her 24/7 won't change the fact that she loves you even when you're far away." Emira rubbed my back.

I guess she was right... Luz loves me. I've never seen a person like me so much for myself. It feels amazing... and I just want to be with her all the time. But sometimes it's good to be alone for a bit. "Sorry..." I mumbled and fell on my bed backwards. I looked at my ceiling light and reached my hand towards it while slowly bawling my hand up. "Luz... is my sun. Even if it goes away, it'll always come back even brighter." I smiled at the yellow light and Emira slightly laughed. "That was super corny." she responded. "S-Shut up!" I looked away with a blush and turned my head over. "I think you two are cute though. I think Lucia and Amelia are cute as well." Emira whispered the last part and continued to look for a dress for me to wear.

I wonder what Luz and Lucia are doing right now.

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