Bonding with a Noceda - Chapter six

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Lucia POV

Amelia hung up the phone on me and I immediately called her over again in confusion. Who wouldn't be confused if a girl you barely knew asked to stay over at midnight?

Is she trying to kill me!? I mean I wouldn't be surprised, she hates my guts. But I'm concerned, sure for her well-being but mostly mines.

I headed into the bathroom to take a shower, and when I got out I put on a sports bra and shorts. Then I dried my hair. It's not like I needed to comb it or anything... it was midnight. Although I do think Eda might make me work for some snails or some shit. I headed out the bathroom and jumped on my bed. I was about to call Wionna to see if she was awake, but I heard a knocking on the door.

I got up and sighed. "Doesn't Eda have a key? Why is she knocking" I mumbled. Eda had gone out earlier and said she wouldn't be back for a bit, so I just naturally assumed it was her.

I headed upstairs and to the front door. "Eda... you-" I was about to continue when I opened the door to see a familiar face. "Amelia?" I mumbled. I had totally forgotten she was coming over! I thought it was a joke or something. "Hi." she whispered staring at the ground. Amelia hadn't looked up at me, and it took me a while to figure out why. "Hey... hey look up at me." I said. Amelia simply continued to stare at the ground until I got impatient.

I grabbed her by the face and forced her to look at me. "What the hell Noceda. Don't fucking touch me!" she yelled grabbing both my hands that were on her face. "Why are you crying." I asked staring at her. Amelia's eyes quickly softened and she went quiet. "Why the fuck are you crying Amelia. Answer the question" I continued. "Oh? So you suddenly care? Lucia you have been rude to me this entire week that we've met and oh! All of a sudden you want to know why I'm fucking crying? Does it matter! You don't even care!?" she snapped at me.

I stood there with my eyes widened, and I didn't respond. She wasn't wrong. I was being a dick to her. "Sorry..." Amelia responded. I nervously laughed and shook my head rapidly. "No, no, you're right. I'm sorry, you don't have to tell me... just come on inside" I mumbled and opened the door for her. I'm sorry Blight.

Amelia POV

Lucia and I walked into her room and she shut the door. Then the taller girl instantly jumped on her bed and went under the covers. Did she forget I was here...? "You're not going to ask why I came over at midnight?" I questioned. Lucia got up from the covers, phone in hand, and scratched her hair that her beanie was over. "Nah, after you practically got furious with me, I'd rather not." Lucia sighed. I genuinely felt bad. I walked over to her bed and sat down on it.

Here goes... help me. I jumped on top of her and gave her a tight hug. I felt like throwing up. "W-Woah-" she shrieked in surprise. Titan kill me now! OH, GREAT TITAN. I COULD TOTALLY FEEL MY FACE HEAT UP, but I'm not going to admit that. All of a sudden I could hear Lucia laughing. Why was she laughing? "What? I mean if you don't want to hug me then you can just-" she stopped me talking by ruffling my hair. I slapped her hand and got off of her. But she instantly gripped my waist and pulled me back onto her. "Oh-" I mumbled in shock. "Pfft! No I just thought it was funny how you couldn't tell I was joking. Why would I hold a stupid grudge like that?" Lucia chuckled.

What... I actually felt bad... AND IT WAS A JOKE?! "Oh you fucking prick!" I yelled and tried to get off the girl who was holding me tighter than ever. "No, no, no, I'll take this free hug gratefully hermosa!" she smirked and continued to pester me. A few minutes of being hugged to death by the Dominican girl, I finally got out of her grip. And honestly, I didn't mind being hugged by her...

"So, you gonna tell me why you ran away from home?" Lucia said with a straight face.

I knew she was going to ask this question... but I didn't know how to respond.

"Oh..." I mumbled and looked away from the girl who was seriously staring at me. "I... I don't know?" I replied staring back at her. Don't lose your confidence. "You know I'm not going to let you stay over for... however long if you don't tell me." she sighed. "Okay, okay! I got into a argument with my mom, kinda. You happy?" I rolled my eyes.

"Very!" the taller girl replied. "But you know, Amity's going to be upset. Have you thought about how she felt when you left?" she asked.

Shit... Amity. "No." I said. "God you're such a idiot Blight." Lucia smirked once again. I loved that stupid smirk.

"Well we'll figure it out! So, you're going to sleep with me tonight right?" she asked getting up from the bed. Oh fuck, I had totally forgotten. "Uh..." I growled at the thought. Does she really want me in her bed? Isn't that weird or some shit. "I can sleep on the couch if you're uncomfortable" Lucia scratched her head and grabbed something off her TV stand. Then she put the object in her pocket and sat back on the edge of the bed with me.

"No- I'll sleep on the couch if you want! It's your room" I replied severely shaking my hand. The taller girl laughed. Wow... her laugh is... so fucking pretty. DAMN, YOU GAYTARD AMELIA. "Nah, I'd rather you or me sleep on that uncomfortable ass couch. You should see how Eda wakes up in the morning from sleeping there" Noceda practically choked on air and I simply laughed at the thought. I forgot Amity had told me that Luz lived with the owl lady. I'm kind of glad they're siblings.

"So I guess we're sleeping together, huh?" Lucia smiled. Then instantly my mind went into a weird state. "You want to get into my pants already Noceda? I'm used to it, I guess..." I mumbled and Lucia instantly shook her head in disagreement. "W-What! N-No I didn't mean it that way! I- Fuck!" she blushed and covered her mouth with her hand. "I was joking Noceda, don't be so flustered about it" I broke out crying and Lucia looked like she wanted to kill me.

"Oh you fucking dick!" she yelled and threw a pillow at me. I threw one back at her still laughing my ass off. "Come at me Noceda!" I flipped her off. "Huh? Is that how it is! I DECLARE A PILLOW FIGHT BLIGHT!" she yelled. Then there we were. Fighting like little kids until we got tired and passed out. 

I don't mind Lucia, but I'll definitely never admit that.

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