Luz and Amity's discovery - Chapter twelve

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"Ughh! These spells make no sense...!" I yelled in frustration while Gus calmed me down. We were currently in my Illusion track which was my class before lunch. To be honest... all I wanted to do was see Amity. "Luz come on, you'll get it eventually. You can't expect to learn Illusion magic in a few weeks" Gus replied while creating a duplicate of himself. "Dude! It's not fair to be born knowing illusion magic? That's a cheat!" I groaned while moving my finger in a circular motion. Blue sparks started to happen, but then it quickly reduced to nothing. I sighed and put my arm on my desk then leaned my face onto my hand. "UGHHH!" I yelled catching the attention of some students and my teacher.

My teacher walked up to me and sat her arm on my shoulder. "It's okay Ms. Noceda, you'll get it. It should take humans a while to figure out spells and that's totally okay" the teacher smiled. She was right, there was no need to rush it. For now I'll stick to my glyphs and figure out from there.

The bell screamed... no quite literally screamed. That poor bell's vocal cords, he's all bandaged up too. Someone give this man a raise.

Gus and I walked to the cafeteria and sat at our usual table. We waited for a bit while I ate a bite of some spaghelli, or spaghetti in human terms, but this one had... meat from hell, apparently. "Hey you two" Willow sat down next to Gus. "Hey wills!" I smiled and took another bite. Gus hugged his friend and took a bite of his boredger, or burger in human terms. "What were you guys talking about?" Willow asked. "Well Luz was talking about how Amit-" I stopped him when I saw a familiar purple-haired girl walk to our table. "SHHH!" I slightly yelled and I could see Willow smirk.

Gus was oblivious, but Willow knew I had a crush on Amity. At first she refused to talk to her but now Willow and Amity made up fully. They were practically best friends at this point. Just like me and Hunter. "Hey guys... h-hey Luz" Amity sat down next to me. "Hey Amity, how are you?" I smiled and blushed. "Gay!" she yelled in panic. Wait what did she just say? "Huh?" Gus asked. "I-I MEANT GOOD! I'M GOOD! Haha!" Amity whispered and awkwardly laughed. Was she okay? A few seconds later Mattholomule sat down with us, and we started talking about random stuff. Although it was fun here, I kinda wonder what Hunter is doing sometimes. He was the main one who knew I liked Mit- I mean Amity, so we got to talk about it from time to time. Hunter was my brother... I don't care if we weren't related, but he was my brother.

When school ended, Eda picked me up and Amity with Wionna in the front seat for some reason. "Why did you pick up Amity too?" I asked in confusion and stared at my crush next to me. "Well, Amelia and Wionna wanted to get Amity. I think Amelia had something to tell you two? I don't even care, I gotta go to my shop in the morning." Eda yawned and continued driving. Wionna turned to us with a smirk. "You two dating?" she smiled. Both of our faces instantly went red, and we turned to each other but then looked away a second later. "N-NO?" Amity yelled. "So why're faces so damn red?" they smiled even more. "S-Shut up Wionna! You and your sister are the same when it comes to us two!" I yell in annoyance. Willow was always trying to get us together. I knew for a fact that Amity didn't like me though. I mean she always turns red when she sees me?! It's like she's always mad or something...

Wionna shrugged their shoulder's and turned around.

A few minutes later we were at the house. When we walked in Amelia was sitting on the couch on her scroll. I expected Lucia to be there since she said she'd be back today. Apparently she had to stop somewhere in the rain, but Eda and I brushed it off assuming she would come back at midnight or the morning. But I guess she didn't?

Amity and I sat down next to Amelia with Wionna on that one chair all dad's claim to be theirs. "So! Amelia, what's going on?" I nervously laugh. I thought she was going to look at me with a angry face or something, but she had the opposite. She looked a bit... sad? "Lucia won't answer my texts... she didn't even go to school yesterday or today" she mumbled and hugged me. Amity joined in and looked a bit concerned. "What? I can text her if that's okay?" I took out my phone. 

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