Temari? | Susamaru x Mukago -lower 4- (request) ☁️

176 1 12

Requested by @the_original_rui12
~Since I don't know their ages and susamaru might've been a young child when she was turned I'm making this fluff to be safe.
~I don't know their characters that well since we only heard half a second of mukago talking so her personality is based off of my impression of her. Susamaru we have a clear understanding of her personality.
~Mukago is Wandering about a forest on a mission to kill a hashira (at least try to) from Muzan, she runs into Susamaru playing with her temari.
~Also this one and possibly one last oneshot will be the end of this oneshot book. Why? Because I don't want to go past at most 45-ish chapters and I have a lot of ideas that aren't long enough to be a full story but long enough to be scenarios/short stories.
To say Mukago is nervous and scared is an understatement, since she's the 4th strongest lower rank demon Muzan gave her a mission to kill a hashira and see if she's worthy of being an upper rank or the new lower 1. (Pretend she was kept alive after the lowermoon meeting, Enmu is dead)

If she proves herself strong enough for him he plans on replacing Daki with her. "Muzan-sama said hashiras frequent here, hopefully he's right." Mukago says to herself walking through a forest carefully looking behind any trees or rocks to avoid getting surprise attacked.

She knew she was strong there was no doubt about that, her rank explains it all. But she doesn't have any professional training or supply of blood from Muzan like the Upper ranks so she's significantly weaker than she is when she has a new batch of Muzan's blood flowing throughout her body.

"Ow! Who threw this temari ball?" Mukago asks feeling the heavy impact of a temari hitting her cheek. As a demon she shouldn't be able to feel pain or get hurt easily but when a ball as hard as a temari gets throw at you at like 50+mph it's gonna hurt really fucking bad.

A girl in an orange kimono and striped color appears from the dark seemingly in a rush. Is this her Temari? "Um is this your temari?" Mukago asks picking up the ball.

"Oi! Give me my temari back!" The girl demands rather rudely

Mukago is taken aback by the girl's rudeness, shouldn't she be respecting her? She's clearly a lower ranked demon compared to the girl infront of her. "Um who are you?" Mukago asks

"I'm susamaru! A lowermoon!" She says proudly.

Mukago grows confused, she never saw this girl at the lowermoon meeting where Muzan killed her friends infront of her. "Um im sorry but I'm lower 4, I never saw you at the lowermoon meeting." Mukago says walking up to the girl.

"HAH!?" Susamaru shouts confused and angry "He told me I was a lowermoon! He told me I was strong!"

Mukago sighs and grabs susamaru's hand to place the temari gently in her hand. "Muzan-sama is like that, he killed all my friends in front of me. He's well known to manipulate others to his will, he uses us." Mukago says praying and hoping to god Muzan didn't hear what she said.

"W-what? I-I-I'm not a lowermoon?" Susamaru asks beginning to tear up, mukago catches on rather quickly and is able to summarize that this girl was most likely a child around the ages of 6 and 9 when she was turned just based off of how she's acting like a little child.

Susamaru starts crying as she falls to her knees, throwing a tantrum much like a child would. Mukago unsure of what to do panics and reached inside her small satchel and pulls out something she carries with her everywhere. Though she doesn't remember anything about being human, she can still remember how important this item is to her. But if it means calming down a literal child and making them happy then so be it.

She takes out a small plush doll that looks like it was maid by a 3 year old kid. Despite its...odd features it still means everything to the lower rank. Mukago sighs and gets down on her knees next to the younger demon. "Uh Hey, I have a doll that might cheer you up!" She says embarrassed as she awkwardly scratched the back of her neck. Susamaru lifts up her head to see mukago holding the doll infront of her, like a little kid she lights up and immediately snatched it from the other's grasp holding it close.

"Thank you." Susamaru says standing up with a huge smile on her face holding the doll close to her chest. Mukago shortly follows standing up too and running to susamaru's side.

"Ne, Susamaru?" Mukago asks


"Would you like to help me search for and kill a hashira?" Mukago asks

Susamaru looks at the other girl confused as to why she wants someone like her to help her with this, she's not a lower rank and not strong enough to be one. "But why?" She asks

Mukago smiles and ruffles the girls hair, "To get you experience and increase your strength." She says

I hope this is good for you requester
I wasn't sure what to write since I know literally nothing about these two so I went just based off of first impressions from season 1.
Word count: 914

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