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Last Chapter.


I feel bad, terrible even.
That day Abdullah told me everything, every single detail and I felt bad that I let it bother me so much.

Apparently two years before we got married his father had problems with his company and they needed help. They needed money for a project that would put their company back to its place but they didn't have it.

So on his father's orders he approached a man. He didn't know him but he was told they were good friends and he would have that kind of money.

The man dealt with a lot of illegal stuff and was already in the radar of a lot of governmental and international organizations. He didn't appraise of it but his father was desperate so he had no choice.

The man gave him a condition. That he had some money that he wanted to keep safe. He told him that he wouldn't do anything but the accounts would be in his name. He knew it might create some problems but they needed the money urgently so he agreed.

Unfortunately just a few months after our marriage the man died. People said it was suicide because he was found out but Abdullah said he thinks it's something else.

At that point the bank in Ireland contacted him, that he needed a next of kin. He didn't want to involve me or Aya so he told them to put his father's name, he was the one who got him in the mess in the first place.

The week he had the accident he found out they used Aya's name and he planned on clearing it as soon as he was back from Abuja but he never made it back. That was why he thought the accident was planned.

Honestly, everything felt like a dream. Stuff like this only happens in movies and yet it's happening to us. I just want things to be over so we can be happy.

Now, Abdullah says he's going to go in with the money. Come clean about it because he can't bury something like that, not when there are people who know about it. Most probably the same people that approached me back then.

Everything is just so messed up but at least I have him back.


Habiba and I decided to have a girls day out. So we didn't go to a restaurant but the spa. She and I used to go a lot before but after I lost Abdullah the interest wasn't there and now that he's back—I just got to.

We had this habit of coming earlier. The more you pay the special they treat you. They give us cocktails with the fanciest sweets and cookies, we sit and enjoy them in our robes. We sit in the waiting room until it's our turn.

"It felt like I was seeing a ghost"
I smile "Yeah, it was insane".

"He came by the house, if not for the fact that you called I don't know what would have happened"
I nod.

She tilts her head "Is something up with you, Abubakar and Aisha?"

"What do you mean?" I ask playing dumb.
"Well—Aisha said you haven't been returning her calls. Abubakar told me he hasn't spoken to you in a while"

I shrug "I guess I'm done prying—now I plan on focusing on my husband and child. Plus, immediately things are settled I'm thinking of having baby no.2"

She bursts out laughing "Now you don't want to waste any time"
"Of course plus if Aisha really wanted to see me she would have come by my house. So I have nothing else to say"

"What?" I ask sipping my cocktail.

"But at the end of the day you only have each other"
"Yes exactly, they left me all alone when I needed them most because they don't want someone telling them the bitter truth. I got slapped right across my face for trying to be a good sister, there is nothing else for me to say or do"

She nods "I get it. I really do. I'll talk to them"
I shake my head "You don't have to, whether they choose to make it right or not is up to them and I don't care, if I survived those months without them—I think I can survive forever without them but you have to bring my nieces though"

She nudges me "Any day, I can't wait to get them out of my hair"

I giggle.


Never would I have ever thought I'd be this happy again and so soon.
But I have my husband back, I have my family and more than ever I am perfectly contented.

Maybe losing Abdullah for that long was for the best. It made both he and I realize those who truly care about us, those who really matter and those we can count on.

And more than ever I love my husband.
Not to mention the fact that he had finally embraced my friendship with Abdulhameed, they're friends now too.

I know it might have been a lot to ask him to be friends with my ex but Abdulhameed was there for me, whether it's because he has feelings or not he was the only person who stuck by me.

His friendship with Abdullah, Atika's relationship with Aya, it means a lot to me, more than anyone could ever imagine.

I've never been happier.



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