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"You're not serious? Are you serious?!" Abubakar asks Aisha.

I decided to come stay with my older sister for the weekend. Her husband traveled yesterday and her children went to their grandparents place. I wanted to take Aya to her grandparents too but I'm scared of letting her out of my sight.

Anyway, we were in her room chatting when my brother decided to pay her a visit. I'm actually glad he dropped by, he can be a real clown.

Aya was playing with her toys on the carpet with Abubakar while Aisha and I are on her bed.

"You left my nieces at home?" Aisha asks.
He nods "I repeat, they are with their mother"
I smile "And you didn't bring her along?"

He shakes his head "We're here for you"
I frown "You two too? I'm okay"
Aisha looks at me worriedly "Asiya, you decided not to take Aya to her grandparents because you're scared. Scared of what?"

"She can go see them another weekend"
"You say that but we both know that she won't" Abubakar says turning to look at me.

"Fatima?" I call out my sister's nanny.
The opens the bedroom door "Yes?"
"Can you take Aya with you?"

She nods, picks her up and walks out.
Abubakar was now seated across the bed "We're just worried about you sister, at the end of the day we only have each other"

"I know and I'm glad we do but I'm really fine"
He says nothing and turns his head away.
Aisha tilts her head looking at me "We know you Asiya, we know when you're not fine. Not only us but everyone around you has noticed. There's nothing wrong with showing emotion"

"I can't"
"Why" Abubakar asks frustratedly "What's wrong with just saying what you feel? What's wrong with reacting to the loss of your husband? Look, no matter what you cannot change what happened to Abdullah, all you can do is pray for him but living like this doesn't make it any better for him"

"I can't break down, I'm not sure I'll be able to get back up and I have a child to take care of"
"Aya is our child too, we're here to pick you both up when you fall but what you're doing is suicide. What if something happens?"

I lean on the headboard of the bed "It's odd how we all ended marrying people we never wanted to because our parents either looked at their family name or bank accounts"
"At least Abdullah loves you" my sister says as tears well up in her eyes "12years later and I still feel invisible to Nasir"

I hold her hand "But he knows he wouldn't be able to live without you"
She smiles "I know that for a fact"

"Anyway, enough of sad stories. We were supposed to make our little sister feel better but she's stubborn as always so for now let's talk about something a bit merrier. We can try again later or tomorrow, right?" He asks Aisha.

She nods laughing.


I had to call Abubakar earlier this morning to help me take Aya to school. I woke up feeling very weak, I get dizzy each time I stand and my head aches badly.

So immediately after he dropped her off he came back and waited for me to get dressed before taking me to the hospital.

"Dr Musa is available but you have only about an hour to see him because he has appointments after 11" the nurse at the front desk says to my brother as I sit aside.

"We'll see him. Do you need a card or something?" He turns to me worriedly "Asiya your card"
I laugh, barely "How old school are you? No one uses cards"

He turns to the nurse who has a smile on her face "It's just a number"
He turns to me "You have to tease me even when you're barely moving? What's the number?"

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