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Halima invited me over for the weekend. It was actually a coincidence and perfect timing. I decided to get the house sprayed with pesticide and stay in a hotel for the night, while we were talking I mentioned it so she asked me to stay over at her place, plus her husband isn't in town at the moment.

I was seated on the carpet with Aya in between my legs as I braid her hair, Halima and Atika lying down comfortably on the bed.

"Thanks for inviting me over"
She smiles "That's the 100th time you're thanking me, it's my pleasure. Plus, I have company other than my 5year old"

I nod.
"You have pests?" She asks.
"I actually just saw two which means there are more, I decided to take care of it before it escalates"

She continues using her phone.
"You said he's been gone a week, you must miss him"

For a moment she frowns but then it's replaced with a smile "I do, I really do"
"How did you two meet?"

She looked genuinely happy just hearing the question "I've known him since I was young. The first time I saw him—I couldn't take my eyes off him. At first I thought it was just a simple crush until men started asking me out and I shunned all of them because they weren't him. His father and mine are practically brothers, they're so close. So he used to come by a lot, there was a time he stayed with us for three years because his father was posted elsewhere and he didn't want to go along with them. Despite knowing him for so long—my breath quickened each time I was near him, I slurred a lot—" she giggles "I was a mess each time I was in his presence but I never had the courage to do anything but love him from a distance but I guess he was destined to be mine"

I nod "Exactly, what's yours will always find its way to you"
"But someone tried taking him from me"

I tilt my head as I oiled Aya's hair "Really? How?"
"Apparently, they met through a friend. Those were the worst moments of my life. Hearing him tell my brothers about not believing in love at first sight until he met her. Eventually he chose me over her because I'm the one he loves"

"If he didn't he wouldn't have chosen you"
She just stared at me "What about you? Did you love your husband?"

I chuckle.
Wrapping Aya's hair and adjusting her on my lap as she slept peacefully.

"I didn't at first. If anything I hated him with a passion, I thought—I can't even repeat or say the things I did back then but he was patient with me until he wasn't. Abdullah was as stubborn as a mule, when he gets angry—let's just say he doesn't forgive easily, he was thoughtful, very jealous—he noticed even the smallest details and he was never secretive" or so I thought. Even when I try I can't get those accounts out of my head. What else did my husband hide from me?

"You good?" She asks worriedly.
I fake a smile "I just miss him"

"Do you see yourself with someone else?"
"No, not at all"
"Not even an ex that's back in your life because they do that a lot"

"What matters is my daughter"
She nods smiling.


Today is my niece's birthday.
I didn't particularly wake up in the mood to attend a party but what other choice do I have. My daughter has been looking forward to it because they're also having a sleepover.

Nasir really knows how to go all out when it comes to his children.
I've been a bit out of it since I talked to Sani. It hasn't been easy but it's not an excuse not to show up.

The house was empty but the backyard was filled up. A lot of people came.
The children had their own space and the adults who drove them mingled separately.

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