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In the days that followed, Taehyung fulfilled the role of a mother for little Ari.

He nurtured her, fed her, and comforted her in the same way Taeri would have.

Despite his usual playful nature, Taehyung now embraced his responsibilities with a newfound determination and a gentle touch.

On the other hand, Jungkook took up the fatherly duties, ensuring Ari always felt safe and protected.

Although known for his competitive nature and occasional clashes with Taehyung, Jungkook set aside any differences for the sake of their god daughter.

He was now a solid pillar of support Ari’s life.

As days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, Jungkook and Taehyung coordinated seamlessly, working together to create a stable and loving environment for Ari.

There were no quarrels between the frenemies, as they put their differences aside for the sake of the child they both cherished.

The funeral for Taeri and Junghyun was an emotional affair filled with tears, sorrow, and memories.

Friends and family gathered, sharing their condolences and support for Ari.

Throughout the service, Ari remained oblivious to the overwhelming sadness that surrounded her, nestled comfortably in Taehyung’s arms.

As the final words were spoken and the crowd began to disperse, Jungkook’s usually stoic expression gave way to an outpouring of grief.

Tears flowed down his face, no longer able to suppress the emotions he had been holding in since the accident.

Taehyung, sensing his Jungkook’s pain, walked over and embraced him tenderly.

“It’s okay to let it out, Jungkook,” Taehyung whispered softly, his voice filled with empathy.

“We’re here for each other, just like we promised.”

Jungkook clung to Taehyung, his body trembling with a mixture of grief and relief.

“I miss them so much, Taehyung,” he managed to utter between sobs, his tears staining both their suits.

Taehyung held him tighter, his own eyes welling up with tears.

“I know, Kook. We all do. But we’ll get through this together, not just for Ari’s sake but for Taeri and Junghyun’s memory, too.”

And so, Jungkook and Taehyung found solace in each other’s presence, their bond as enemy growing stronger in the face of adversity.

In time, little Ari would come to understand the immense love that surrounded her, both from her late parents and her god parents who stepped up to be her guardians.

Together, they would navigate the challenges that life threw their way, creating a story of resilience, strength, and the enduring power of friendship.

One month had passed since the devastating loss of Taeri and Junghyun.

Their absence still lingered heavily in the hearts of those who loved them, especially their precious baby girl, Ari.

She is a baby, but she knew about their absence.

Despite the tragedy, Ari found solace in her Godparents, who devoted themselves to caring for her.

They had moved to a moderate family home between both sides family, so when they needed assistance, the grandparents were there.

One evening, as the sun began to set, tension filled the air as the topic of marriage arose between Jungkook and Taehyung.

Both sets of grandparents, who had grown increasingly worried about Ari’s future, believed that marriage would provide stability and security for their grandchild.

In the cozy living room, Jungkook gathered his courage to confront his parents.

“I understand your concerns, Mom and Dad, but forcing Taehyung and me into a marriage won’t guarantee Ari’s future happiness. We have been doing well as co-parents, and we’ve learned to work together for Ari’s sake.”

His parents exchanged concerned glances.

“Jungkook, we just want what’s best for Ari. You and Taehyung have been doing a great job, but marriage brings added protection and stability. It’s important to give Ari a complete family, for her sake,” his mother pleaded.

Meanwhile, Taehyung’s apprehension about the marriage weighed heavily on his mind.

He loved Ari dearly, but the idea of being officially tied to Jungkook made him pause.

Sitting next to him, Jungkook sensed his hesitation and reached out, holding Taehyung’s hand gently.

“Taehyung I know marriage isn’t something we’ve ever planned for, but we’ve come so far together. We can do this for Ari.”

Taehyung looked at their intertwined hands and sighed.

“Jungkook, I love Ari just as much as you do, and I want what’s best for her. But marriage is such a big step, and I’m scared it might change everything between us. What if it doesn’t work out?”

“Hell couple of months ago, we were at each other throats.”

Jungkook squeezed Taehyung’s hand tighter, his voice filled with assurance.

“We won’t know unless we try, Taehyung. We’ve already faced so much together. We can handle this too, as long as we communicate, support each other, and remember that we’re doing it all for Ari, Junghyun, and Taeri.”

Their conversation was interrupted by Ari’s cheerful laughter echoing from the next room.

Their eyes met, and they both knew that they were willing to take the leap of faith for their beloved little girl.

They understood the importance of providing her with a stable and loving family environment.

The little sweetheart deserves the world, and Taehyung and Jungkook were ready to give her that.

As they reached a mutual understanding, their parents watched silently, tears glistening in their eyes.

They had witnessed the remarkable bond formed between Jungkook, Taehyung, and Ari.

In that moment, they knew that love and commitment knew no boundaries, and the concept of a traditional family structure would evolve to accommodate the unique needs of their grandchild.

With smiles on their faces and a renewed sense of determination, Jungkook and Taehyung stood up, ready to embrace their shared future.

As they walked hand in hand towards Ari’s room, they knew that their love would carry them through any challenges that lay ahead.

Together, they were ready to build a family, not bound by blood, but bound by love, sacrifice, and the unwavering devotion they held for the beautiful soul that brought them all together – their beloved Ari.

To be continued

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