Chapter 10. The Second War - II

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Indra hoped that the Asura Queen hadn't found out about his plan. He had understood that she would need elements of surprise for her strategies to work, the attack on innocent people was the most unexpected. He absolutely couldn't forgive her for even thinking about it.

Meanwhile, from the fort building, Sumali was continuously scrutinizing the war reports. He was unable to understand one thing - the Deva soldiers currently engaged with left and right parts of the battlefield were unexpectedly less. He also had rough estimates of deaths of both sides. Even with that, a number of more than thousand Deva soldiers missing was unacceptable. Unless they had fled from the battle, which was not the case.

After contemplating over it, he finally realised that perhaps Indra had moved these soldiers. They might attack His Queen and her portion of soldiers from a blind spot. While he didn't understand what sorcery Indra did to make this possible, he didn't have a minute to spare. He didn't have time to send a report to her, he had to make an immediate decision. Looking at the arrows lying next to him, he took a deep breath. His signal would change the fate of the war.

He signalled his soldier to launch a small ball that contained turmeric powder through a small catapult. It was launched towards the battlefield and Sumali's arrow pierced through it. The blue sky was filled with a speck of yellow signal. This was repeated twice, hoping that the necessary people had received the signal.

Mahishi was unaware of the recent developments, her path was blocked by her nemesis. She signalled her mahout to take the elephant she was seated on, near to Indra.

"The mighty King of Devas is on a horse? That's unfair. Shall I send my soldiers to fetch an elephant? Although I don't have Airavat to offer, I want this to be a fair fight."

He smirked. Offering an elephant so that I won't be able to escape on my horse? She wants to slow down my moment.

"That's quite a generous offer for an opponent but I am comfortable with my horse."

She smiled. Got to know about my motive? Even on that horse, I won't allow you to escape. You shall meet Lord Yamaraj today.

When she raked her palm over the elephant's head, it raised its trunk. To it was tied a huge metal ball through a metal chain. He dodged with his horse. The blow missed by a whisker. Her Asura soldiers were fighting with the Deva soldiers. While she could see that her soldiers were still having an upper hand, she knew her gut knew something was wrong.

When she momentarily turned towards the fort, she saw Sumali's signal. Am I in danger? What could it mean! Where! Where is the threat? I need to eliminate it immediately!

She had to keep Indra engaged fighting with her whilst she found the threat and removed it. Other ministers might have also seen his signal yet she couldn't wait for someone to save her. She had to protect herself.

In the meantime, Sachi had made sure most of them had packed and ready to move. She couldn't take up any reports from war but she knew that her husband had used war drum signals. He was keeping Mahishi on her toes but now that she had seen the yellow signal, her mind wouldn't stop thinking. Is this a new signal for her army? Just like last time?

When Indra saw the signal, he thought the same as his wife - a signal for her army. He had to keep his opponent busy while thinking how to deal with this upcoming change.

The original plan was once a considerable amount of Deva soldiers were killed and injured, Nilakukshi would lead both the parts of the army and Kaal would join his Queen. Once Kaal saw the yellow signal, his rational mind stopped working. It meant only one thing - Mahishi was in danger. He started riding towards her at full speed, without taking any soldiers with him or handing over proper charge to Nilakukshi.

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