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Meliodas POV:
The commandments headed to Camelot and took it over the kingdoms. Killing anybody who opposed them but occasionally being merciful towards wives and their kids.

                             In the castle
"Meliodas!" A loud and powerful voice boomed, the walls shook.
I knew that voice all too well. "Father..." I said bowing down to the hologram provided by magic. "I see you've finally picked a side..." my father said. A small amount of joy was in his voice. "Yes, father I was able to break free from the enchantment I was put under by that goddess." I said in a monotone voice. "So Derieri was right?" My father ask.
"Yes" I confirmed.
My father let go of his almighty and powerful act for a moment.  "Your the next demon king meliodas...we will need a back up plan if this happens again." My father said.

"Yes father I understand I'll have Zeldris handle it." I said in a almost emotionless tone. "I see your free to leave." My father said shooing me. I left the area, seeing the commandments skeptical looks.

"Your not doing this just to betray us the last moment are you?" Zeldris ask.
"Of course not Zeldris..." I said.

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