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During the holy war Elizabeth put a spell on Meliodas making him fall in love with her however Derieri knows the truth and will do anything to bring her fiancé back.

Ban POV:

Captain has been acting weird lately, he has been more aggressive. He threw his sword at Diane when she started talking he said it was only a reflex and she startled him. However I could see the intent in his eyes. Like a predator hunting it's prey. It didn't seem like an accident.

Other than that it seemed like a normal day today. A lot of customers and I was cooking food. However during closing time there was an earthquake. I was washing dishes, then I heard a glass break. I turned to Meliodas and say his break the glass with his fist. "Captain!" I yelled. His hair was covering his eyes. "What Ban?!" He said in a annoyed voice, almost yelling. His tone shocked me and caused the other sins that were bickering to each other to shut up. "Are you okay Captain?" Diane turned from her conversation to king ask. Captain calmed down and sighed. "I'm sorry guys I don't mean to be aggressive." He said sweeping up the glass previously he crushed with his hands. "Y'know captain you can tell us anything..." I said to him. "I know Ban I just-" Diane cut him off. "Yeah Ban is right tell us what is bothering you." Captain sighed and put his broom down. "Honestly... Miss my family and my friends before becoming a sin. Don't get me wrong I care about you guys but sometimes I wish things could go back to what it use to be before I was apart of this." Captain said. I understand him I do, but the reason I fight if for everything to go back to normal. "I understand, I do the same." I said to captain comforting my best-friend. "What we're they like?" Diane ask as he only stayed quiet for a while. "I HAD two brothers. And a team much like you guys." He said trying to say the most yet keeping the details to minimum.

I could tell. He went through HELL.
"Meliodas." I turned around it was Merlin, Merlin is the only one who calls the captain by his real name. "Merlin?" He ask. "I have our solution." Merlin said as she held a pink vile of liquid. "Let's go to my room to discuss this-" She was cut off my meliodas. "No need, they are coming soon."

Merlin nodded. "So I did some research and this contains rare flowers and herbs from both the demon and goddess realm. They can heal and break cursed caused by anything and anyone. As well as cure diseases and it will temporarily give the user a boost of energy and endurance." She said giving the bottle to meliodas. "All you have to do is drink it." She said. "Wait is captain sick?" King ask. Merlin looked at meliodas and he nodded. "Sorta." Merlin replied with. "What about Elizabeth?" Meliodas ask. "Once your cure she is too." Merlin said. "Are you sure this is gonna work?" Captain seemed unsure.

Merlin POV:

"89% sure, it has herbs from the demon and goddess realm. They are 1000x more powerful than human herbs and medicines." I said trying to reassure him.

"So all I have to do is drink this?" Meliodas ask raising the flask up to his eyes.

"Indeed." I said, I handed him some water and he looked at me tilting his head. "It has a funny taste and you might be a bit thirsty or dehydrated after drinking this." I told Meliodas.

"What if it does something bad and I can't control myself?" He ask hesitant to drinking it. "Then I will use perfect cube." He opens it and starts to drink it. Shortly after grabbing the water and chugging it.

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