Chapter 12-Darius

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Here is the next chapter! I am sorry that it took me two weeks to update it, but I didn't have time. Sorry. I'll try to update it sooner. Please vote and comment as usual! :D I would really appreciate it. :) Picture of Sparrow on the side. :)

Chapter 12-Darius

            “Now look what you’ve done!” Sparrow shouted at Darius.

            Darius glared at Sparrow. “Who do you think you are?” he demanded. “You think that you can just yell at me and not expect me to defend myself?”

            Arwen stepped between the two boys with an unusually stern expression on her face. For a split second, Darius thought that she was going to slap them.

           “Just stop fighting, both of you,” she said wearily. “What’s done is done. It’s a pity that it had to happen now, but just leave it alone. We have to get out of here before Wylla tells the agents at the PCF that we kidnapped her. We’re still at the supposed crime scene. Come on. We have to go.”

           Glaring at Sparrow, Darius stormed after Arwen and Lancelot. As a matter of fact, it wasn’t as if he didn’t want to go with Wylla. But it was true, about his exhaustion from his powers. Sparrow was so selfish. He only saw what he wanted to see.

           Darius liked Wylla a lot. He was grateful to her from rescuing her from the PCF and she was so beautiful. He was jealous of the relationship that Wylla had with Sparrow.

           Sparrow was everything that Darius was not. Sparrow was a fighter and had grown up that way, fighting for his life. He was good at combat, whereas Darius mostly relied on his new-found powers in battles. Even Wylla was a better fighter than he was.

           Darius followed the others away from the slope of the lake. They were probably angry at him and he didn’t want to hear from them how selfish he’d been.

           “Where are we going?” he called to them.

           “Away from here,” Sparrow muttered.

          Darius scowled angrily. “Well, duh!”

          “If you’re so clever-” began Sparrow and Lancelot interrupted this time.

          “For crying out loud!” Lancelot shouted. “You guys can have your fight all I care, but you just chased Wylla off to go to the PCF on her own. You’d better just shut up if you know what’s good for you!”

          Lancelot glared at both of them so darkly that Darius began to feel a little afraid. Lancelot was very muscular, with huge muscles standing out in his arms and a six-pack chest.

         Both boys shut up, and they followed Arwen and Lancelot away from the lake, towards the woods on the left. There was no option of dragging the truck out of the lake.

          As they reached the woods, Arwen fell back to walk with him. He was surprised that she did; he had gotten the impression that she didn’t like him very much.

          “I don’t really blame you for shouting at Sparrow,” Arwen told him. “Sparrow is very protective of Wylla. You have to cut him some slack. He can be very aggressive when he wants something.”

          “I thought that he was going to punch me or something,” Darius said.

          “Sparrow is defensive of Wylla,” Arwen explained. “After she saved his life back when they were thirteen, he’s sort of become her personal bodyguard, so to speak.”

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