Carmelo x Toby: School project SMUT

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((This was a suggestion @a_is_for_arson and @wyattObert and don't worry Imma make a Tobias x Emilio next story))

Also heads up this is like 1 months after the field trip and this is VERY long (or at least longer then any other of my stories.)

Characters: Tobias x Carmelo

Mentions: STRONG smut

3rd pov:


It was a Friday morning and the schools bell rang as the student sat in their seats... well except for one.

"Carmelo you're late," the teacher sighed as the blue headed hot head ran into the class causing the door to slam on its hinges.

"What!" He exclaimed," the bell JUST rang!"

The teacher pinched the bridge of her nose and just waved him off to his seat not bothering to deal with him this early in the morning.  Carmelo rolled his eyes and sat in the back of the class as the teacher started with her lecture.
"Okay, so today is the start of this class's finale, and before you groan I've reminded you all about the date of this finale from the start of this semester."

Tobias POV:

I watch Carmelo enter the room and whine like the child he is. God please help this boy before his tardiness turns into him not showing at all...

"I've chosen partners for you all and I will call them out. Once I call them out get in your pairs and grab your things we will be going to the library so you guys can start on your projects, HOWEVER you will have to work outside of school for this project so don't slack!"

I sigh at the thought of having to partner up with any of these miscreants... or worse.. I could be partnered up with-

"Sara and Bennett you two are a pair, Tony and Henry are a pair, Tobias and Carmelo are a pair-"


'I groan quietly and facepalm as my partner was revealed. Why him? He most likely won't do anything!' My head was screaming and yet non of my thoughts were confessing my true concern.
I liked Carmelo in ways men shouldn't involve each other in... and I've spent hour trying to get rid of these feelings but I always seem to fail... every time I see him walking in the hall all I remember the trip to that historical town. I remember enjoying his company, the feeling of him caring enough to jump off a bridge for me, talking to me, helping me, looking at me, touching-


I look up to see Carmelo standing over my desk waiting for.. wait what are we supposed to be doing?

"Dude come on we need to go to the library," he said which caused me to stand quickly since I felt stupid from just sitting there zoned out.

"Right, sorry sir-"

"Dude stop saying sir to me it's weird," Carmelo said grabbing my things for me which I was confused by.

"Well, okay.. sorry but you don't need to carry that for me-"

"Too bad you're slow already so holding this will make you slower then you already are. Now cmon," he said turning away and walking to the door trying to hide his obviously red face. Was he upset? Or sick? I sigh and just follow him to the library along with our other classmates and teacher.
Once we get there we pick a table in the far corner and Carmelo puts my stuff on the table along with his. I grab my bag and note books to set up as Carmelo sat down and opened his laptop and put his password in.

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