Tobias x Emilio: sleep over??Part-1

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//just- ....just read-///

Tobias POV:

I was walking to class when I bumped into Emilio..his face seemed to light up when he noticed it was me, it was odd but it intrigued me to want to know why...

"Hello Murkmere..," I greet him with a slightly monotone voice. He looked at me and smiled lightly which sent shivers down my spine..his smile always did that to me.
"Hello Tobias, you know you can just call me Emilio," he offered which I didn't mind and took it.
"Ok..Emilio?..," I tried to get used to it but it was quiet odd at first.

Emilio POV:
I smiled more at the smaller boy using my first name instead of my last.
"So Tobias I'm lucky I ran into you..I wanted to ask if you'd want to come over for a sleepover?" I asked which honestly took a lot of guts. Just talking to the perfect specimen in front of me made my heart race.

He stood there which I assumed he was thinking about my offer.

Tobias's POV:

Sleep..over? I think I've heard of those from's where you sleep over at someone's house to "have fun."... it's all a mystery to me but I decided to take the chance,
"Alright..I'll ask my parents first..what's your address and parents contacts?" I asked simply which to my surprise Emilio looked quite surprised himself, but it was replaced with a kind smile..a smile I wouldn't mind seeing more often..

// making parts to this- I'm just to tired rn//

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