Carmelo x New Student Male!!Y/N (Part1?)

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CRAP! I had waken up late this morning and was already destined to be late for class- AND ITS MY FIRST DAY! My parents are never home due to either Business meetings or early shifts at the office.
I manage the best I can but obviously and I can't wake up on fucking time to save my life!

I rushed to school after getting dressed in a blue oversized sweater and black jeans, I didn't bother brushing my teeth- which is kinda gross but whatever I brushed them last night.

~time skip/ at school~

I run into the school building and go to the office,
"Running late?.." the office lady sighed and clicked her pen as she grabbed a sticky note, "name please.."
I nod and quickly answer with, "yes! My name is Y/N L/N" she nodded and wrote it down as a pass and handed to me. I knew she rather have me gone then taking my sweet time so I run to class hearing her shout, "No running kid!"

I slow down and look around for my class..I found my class and sighed gently knocking on the door.
The door opened to show my new class mates staring at was kinda scary...I could feel my stomach turn with anxiety as I worried they wouldn't like me but all I could do is pick at my skin and smile, "s-sorry I'm late.."
The teacher sighed and gave me and empty smile, "it's ok come in," they said moving out of the way for me to come in. I walk in and set the tardy pass on his desk before walking back up front to hear the teacher say, "ok kids..this is the new student I was talking nice and try to get along with him, introduce yourself.."the teacher seemed tired but I continued to introduce myself.

"My name is  Y/N L/'s nice to meet you guys..."

//I might make a few parts of this because I feel like Carmelo is a special case😅//

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