Rudy x Carmelo: high school parties (part-1)

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/////Mentions of: anxiety, cussjng, sexual references(not a smut)////

Rudy POV:

"Isn't this exciting! Your first high school party!" I hear my mom yell excitedly from her closet. I sigh and smiled, "yeah very.."
Its hard to be excited for something when you were invited out of pity.. and plus its not like i had any friends anymore.. after the Halloween incident with Tobias we went our separate ways and I've been alone.

Right now my mom was looking through her closet for something i could wear while i stood there waiting to be dressed up. I didn't mind of course and trusted my moms style choices.

"Ahah! Here we go! How is this sweetie?" She asked placing handing me an outfit which i laid out on the bed to examine it. It was a black, off shoulder,long sleeved shirt and light blue, ripped baggy jeans. The clothes were small enough to fit me which made me smile, "It's great mom thanks! Imma go get dressed," i grab the outfit and run off to my room.

Carmelos POV:

I was getting ready for a party i was invited to by a few of Dinos friends which whom i wasn't even familiar with. But whatever free invitation- i wore a regular plain black t-shirt and dark blue jeans. I didn't really care what i looked like since i was most liking going to look like shit later.

-time skip-

It was finally time to go so i grabbed my jacket and pit it on along with my shoes before walking to the party. Which lucky me wasn't to far from my house.

I walk up to the house where the party was already hearing music and unnecessarily loud conversations. I sigh and walk up to the houses wide open door and walk in quickly searching for my friends.

Rudy POV:

I was dropped off by my dad to the party and once we got there he handed me pepper spray. I laughed but accepted the little self defense weapon before saying my good byes and heading into what will be my first party-

Im so fucked-

////im making this into parts- comment things that should happen! Im up for any ideas for what should happen in this little high school party////

Ghost eyes oneshot/storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя