Carmelo x rudy: déjà vu??

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Carmelo POV:
I still hadn't read Rudy's note and it's been a few days since then...I know I threw it away but something told me to take it out the trash.. he has really pretty hand writing though.. the way he writes my name makes my heart race-
IM NOT GAY! That's just gay!!!

I sigh and walk to the class I was asked to help clean up by staff and put down my bag before cleaning up. I started to fix up the book shelves and...all of this felt familiar..why though? The teacher who asked me to help thanked me in the middle off cleaning and left to inform my next period teacher about my where abouts.

You know Rudy's hands are really soft...and warm...maybe it's not THAT bad to have a small thing for him....

//he is in denial (ง'̀-'́)ง//

I turned around to the sound of a familiar ginger calling my name. I see Rudy at the door and I panicked,

"Oh hey! How are you feeling? Did anyone hurt you? You look like you're going to cry...Not that I care but- You can tell me if..anyone-"
He walked up to me and my words got softer and softer. He cut me off with a soft kiss which I could completely process and when I did I swear my face turned into a big stop sign.

Rudolph's POV:

I pull away to see Carmelos red face.. as he began to question but all I said was..,



I kiss him away but hand resting on his shoulder and cheek. He slowly relaxed and kissed hand on my waist the other on my back. My face started to flush up a to a shade of pink as I felt his hand gently runn up my back.

"R-Rudy?.." I heard the blue haired boy say once we pulled away from the kiss. I look up at him to shy to verbally answer.. he pulled me close and kissed me again, I couldn't help but let out a few softly breath during the now heated kiss.

Carmelos POV:

I swear I feel like this happened before...ugh whatever there's no point in thinking about it now.. I pull him close to me and soon started to trail kisses along his jaw and neck making him shiver which I personally thought was adorable. Soon he fully pull away from each other's bodies, blushing faces and all.. he looked up at me and smiled,

"S-sorry that was so sudden.. I-I hope you don't-"
I cut him off this time with one more kiss on the lips. The kiss was soft and gentle and once I pulled away I spoke, "it's fine...d-don't apologize."

Rudy nodded and hugged me which I accept hugging back without hesitation.

I swear..this is giving me some type of déjà vu....ugh whatever that doesn't matter right now..

//idk I was bored//

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