Chapter 17: Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback

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"Is that... a dragon?"

We ran up towards Hagid's cabin and knocked furiously. He opened the door. "Oh, hello. Sorry, don't wish to be rude, but I'm in no fit state to entertain today," he said and quickly tried to close it again, but I held onto it.

"We know about the Philosopher Stone!" all four of us yelled at once.

"Oh," Hagrid simply said, then opened te door and we entered.

"We think Snape's trying to steal it!'" says Harry as we all started to take our cloaks off.

"You think that!" I shot at him.

"Snape? You are still on about him, are yeh?" Hagrid asked.

"Someone is trying to steal the Stone," I answered. "That's what we know for sure."

"All the strings lead to him!" Harry argued.

"Snape is one of the teachers protecting the Stone. He's not about to steal it."

"What?" Harry asked as I petted Hagrid's enormous black boarhound  called Fang that whined loudly and lay his head on my lap.

"You heard," said the giant, "Right, come on now, I'm a bit preoccupied today." He looked like he was about to shoo us out of his hut, but I interrupted, not wanting to go back into the castle just yet.

"Wait a minute. 'One of the teachers'?"

"Of course!" Hermione exclaimed. "There are other things defending the Stone, aren't there? Spells, enchantments."

"That's right." Hagrid nods. "Waste of bloody time if you ask me. Ain't no one ganna get past Fluffy. Ain't a soul knows how, except for me and Dumbledore," He paused. "I shouldn't have told you that. I should not have told you that."

Something rattled in the fire and Hagrid -wearing oven mittens- picked up a black ball from inside the cauldron on the fireplace.

Even with his gloves, he seemed to struggle with its heat.
He placed it on the table and we all went towards it to get a better look.

"Uh, Hagrid," said Harry,"what exactly is that?"

"That? It's er... It's um..."

"I know what that is! Ron says excitedly then stopped. "But, Hagrid, how did you get one?"

"I won it. Off a stranger I met down in the pub. Seemed quite glad to be rid of it. As a matter of fact."

The black ball is an egg then.

Pansy gasped beside me as it started to crack.

The egg suddenly exploded to reveal a small, slimy, winged creature.

"Is that... a dragon?" Hermione asked.

"A Norwegian Ridgeback," I whispered and Ron nodded.

"My brother Charlie works with these in Romania."

"Isn't he beautiful?" Hagrid sighs happily. The dragon turned to him. "Oh, bless him. Look, he knows his mummy!" he chuckled while tickling it under its chin. "Hello, Norbert."

"Norbert?" Pansy squeaked horrified.

"Yes, well, he's gotta have a name, don't he? Don't you Norbert?"

The dragen hicupped and sparks shot out of his mouth and onto Hagrid's bushy beard.

"Oh!" Hagrid muttered as he patted the sparks to stop it from lighting his face on fire. "He'd have to be trained up a bit, of course." He stopped and narrowed his eyes at the window as Norbert hiccuphed again. "What is that?"

We tuned around to see Draco Malfay staring at us from between the crack in the curtains. His eyes widened when he saw the baby reptile on the table and took of running.

"Malfoy," said Harry bitterly as I ran and opened the door.

"And he's not alone," I whispered as I stared at Draco, Mattheo and Tom running towards the castle with our
secret hanging on their tongues.


"Hagrid always wanted a dragon. Told me so the first time we ever met him," said Harry as we walked down the corridor.

"He did?" I asked.

"At the subway. You were busy talking about rockcakes."

"I was?"

My brother nodded.

"I was..."

"It's crazy," said Ron. "And worse, Malfoy and the Riddles know."

"I don't understand. Is that bad?" Hermione asked.

"It's illegal to breed a dragon," Pansy explains, "The eggs are not supposed to be traded."

I sighed. "Now we're doomed."

Things couldn't get any worse.

"Good evering," Professor McGonagall appeared in front of us with the Riddle twins and Malfoy smirking behind her.

Oh, shit. Things could get worse.


"Nothing— I repeat, Nothing gives a student the right walk about at night," Professor McGonagall lectures is in her office.

"Therefor as punishment for your actions, fifty points will be taken."

"Fifty?!" Harry and I yell out in horror.


Our faces fell.

"To ensure it doesn't happen again," she continued, "all eight of you will recieve detention."

As if taking a hundred points of my house was not enough.

Draco stepped forward, face expression in confusion.

"Excuse me, Professor," he said and we all looked at him, "perhaps I heard you wrong. I thought you said— the eight of us?"

"No, you heard me correctly, Mr Malfoy. You see, honorable as your intentions were, you too were out of bed after hours. You three will join your classmates in detention."

"But, Professor—"

"That's enough, Mr Riddle."

Tom, shot us a glare and I smirked and wriggled my eyebrows at him.

But inside, I was boiling with rage.

Detention with the devils. Just what I needed.

A/n: if anyone had any background information about Lorenzo Berkshire, like his family, backstory and blood status, I'd really appreciate it if you'd tell me about it. I'd like to add him in my next book, Y/n Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

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