Chapter 7: The Keeper of the Keys

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"Yer a wizard, Harry. And, Y/n, yer a witch."


"AH!" Dudley jumped awake while Uncle Vernon ran down the stairs with a gun and Aunt Petunia right behind him.

"Who's there?" Uncle Vernon yelled. "I'm warning you — I'm armed!" I just stood there when I felt Harry tug me behind the chimney.


The wooden door fell of its place and everyone screamed when they saw a shadow of a huge man standing at the doorway.

The shadow stepped into the house to reveal a large man with a thick, bushy beard and hair that almost covered his entire face. His eyes were small, black, and beetle-like.

"Sorry 'bout that," said the man as he bent down and picked the door, then placed it back into its place.

"I demand that you leave at once, sir! You are breaking an entry!" yelled Uncle Vernon.

The giant of a man walked towards him and said, "Shut up, Dursley, you great prune." Then he grabbed the gun and bent it upwards causing my uncle to shoot at the ceiling. He turned towards Dudley who was huddled beside the table. "Boy, I haven't seen you since you were a baby, Harry. But you're a bit more along, particularly down the middle. And say, where is that little Y/n?"

Dudley looked too shaken to talk, but he managed to stutter, "I-I-I'm not — I'm not Harry."

Harry got out of our hiding place and I pollowed him. "I— I am."

"And I'm Y/n!'

The man smiled, "Well, of course you are. I've got something for you. Might have sat on it at some point. It probably tastes fine, just the same." He pulled out a box then handed it to us. "Baked it myself. Words and all."

I took it and opened it to reveal a birthday cake with green frosting and pink icing that read:


"Thank you!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"It isn't every day a young man and woman turn eleven, is it, eh?" He sat dawn on the couch —that creakd under his weight— and pulled out a pink umbrella, pointed the tip towards the fire place and shot sparks into it, causing a fire to start.

"Whoa..." I breathed as Harry took a step forward.

"Excuse me, but... who are you?"

"Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. Of course you know all 'bout Hogwarts."

Harry and I exchanged curious looks.

"Sorry—" said Harry.

"No," I interrupt.

"No? Blimey, have you ever wonder where your mum and dad learnt it all?"

"Leant what?"

Hagrid leaned in, "Yer a wizard, Harry. And, Y/n, yer a witch."

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