Chapter 2: Azkaban's Girl

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"I don't do poof!"

I wake up to find myself draped over a man's shoulder, who was walking down a dark corridor.

I didn't know how to react.

I'm scaced — who am I kidding? I'm terrified. But I was also furious. I wanted to hurt the man here and now. A part of me urged to scream but my curiosity got the better of me, so I kept my mouth shut.

After about a minute of walking, I asked, "Where are you taking me?"

The man stayed quiet.

"Could you at least put me down? I can walk, and I'm starting to feel sick."

He didn't budge.

"You're annoying, you know that?"


"Nah, you're worse. Know why? Because you have an innocent seven-year-old girl on your shoulder and you refuse to put her down or answer any of her questions!" Then it hit me. "Are you... kidnapping me?"

He did not answer.

"Listen, sir, I have a cousin. Perhaps you could let me go and I'll fetch him to you instead? He'll do you way better than what I ever could."

Still silence.

"Could you at the very, very least kidnap my brother as well?"

The man was as silent as ever.

I huffed, then out of anger, punched his back.

He didn't flinch.

We excited the hallway and into the day light.

"Oh," I said. "It's morning."

We were outside a large building, there were several trees and benches but the place was deserted of people. Yet the birds never stopped chirping.

All of a suddeny there was a loud CRACK and everything disappeared. I felt the air get sucked out of my lungs and I couldn't take in a breath. It felt like being stuck in a rubber tube and my nose and mouth were covered with plastic wrap.

I blinked twice, and we were no longer surrounded by sunlight. Instead, the man was standing on a rocky island, surrounded by dark clouds and a strong storm. Sea waves crashed onto the shore in loud crashing noises.

"We're going in," said the man.

"Finally! I was begining to think you were dumb! How did you do that?"

"Do what?"


"I don't do poof."

"You did a moment ago. So are you going to tell me where you are taking me?"

"You'll see."

I gasped as I saw the huge building. "A castle?"

"The worst you could find."

"I've always wanted to visit Versailles Castle. Can you poof us there? This place is giving me the creeps."

"I don't do poof!"

As we entered, I shuddered at the feeling I just got. It was as if something was trying to suck out my soul and that all my happy days were over.

"Expecto Patronum," the man whispered as something silvery-blue floated around us.

"A silver kappa? I thought they were a Japanese myth." I was thankful for it because as soon as it appeared, the horrible feeling of this place had gone.

The stranger carried me past some cells. Some people inside reached out for the glow, wanting more, but others stay slumped against a corner. One man looked at me straight in the eye and his eyes widened with recognization.

"Y/n!" he yelled.

"Congratulations! That is my name!" I yelled back at him then tuned to look at the back of the man-who-was-carrying-me's head.

"Why are we in a prison? And who was that guy?"

"They didn't tell me anything," he said. "They only ordered me to leave you here."

"What?! Who?"

At that, he put me downs inside a cell. He shut the door and locked it. I stared at what he was holding.

"A magical stick?"

"It's called a wand."

"I know that," then I lowered my voice into a whisper. "You can't leave me here."

His face softened. "You'll be out before you could say 'help', I promise."

I stared at him, trying hard not to blink. It was my first time seeing his face. "Could you do me one last favor?"


"Could you wave your wand and say 'Bippity Boppity Boo'?"

"Erm... what's that?"

I stared at him dumbstruck. "You don't know Cinderella?"

"Is that... a disease?"

"..." I didn't know how to explain it. "Could you just say it?"

He sighed then raised his wand. "Bippity Boppity Boo."

Nothing happened.

I frowned. "I was expecting a pumpkin carriage that would get me out of here."

The man stared at me pitifully. "I would," he said.
Then he turned around and left. And I was again surrounded by the feeling of an eternity without happiness.

Then, I whispered the word with hopelessness.


A/n: 779 words a lot less than the first chapter, sorry... but I really hope you like it.

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