Chapter 11: Life at Hogwarts

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"I'm so sorry! We shouldn't have! I saw these two eavesdropping and wanted to tell them of, but they hushed me!"

"Oh, Merlin! Oh, Lord! Oh, bloody hell! Why on our first day?"

"How was I supposed to know that it was the Charms classroom?" I yelled, as Pansy and I ran down the hallway for our ever first-lesson: Transfiguration. "Did you see the Fourth-years' faces though?"

"That was so embarrassing! In front of the Hufflepuffs and our own house!"

"We're lucky professor Flitwick is a nice little guy."

We crashed into two boys who were running towards the opposite direction we were coming from.

"Y/n!" they said.

"Harry! Ron! Sorry! Can't talk right now. Late for Transfigurations."

"We've got Transfigurations too!" Ron exclaims.

"We can't find the classroom!" Harry joins.

"Wow, you Potters must bring bad luck wherever you go," says Pansy.

"Who are you?" Ron questions.

"Skip the introduction! We have no time!" I yell.

Just then, a ghost glides through the wall next to us.

"Nick! Hey, Nick!" Harry calls. "Could you tell us where we might find the transfigurations classroom?"

"Harry Potter! We meet again," said the ghost. "Of course. Go straight through that corridor then turn two lefts then a right," he pointed at the direction Pansy and I have come from.

We all yelled, "Thanks!" at the same time then took of running, hearing Nick yell, "No problem!" from behind us.

"Harry, Ron, This is Pansy Parkinson. Pansy, you know my brother of course. And that's Ron Weasley," I introduced them to each other as we ran.

We barged into the classroom. All the students were seated and there was not teacher in sight.

A tabby cat was sitting on the teacher's desk in front of the classroom.

"Phew! We made it! Could you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late?" says Ron.

At that, the cat lurched forward and transformed into professor McGonagall.

"Whoopsies..." I whispered.

Ron swallowed. "That was bloody brilliant!" He exclaimed trying to cover up what he just said.

"Oh, thank you for that assessment, Mr Weasley," said the professor. She was wearing her usual green robes and had a serious expression. "Perhaps if I transfigure one of you into a pocket watch, the rest of you will be on time."

"Peeves pointed us towards the wrong way," I said.

"We got lost," says Harry.

"Then a map, perhaps? I trust you don't need one to find your seats."

As I walked tawards an empty chair, professor McGonagall said, "Do not believe a single word Peeves says, Miss Potter. I think your prefect has already warned you about him, hadn't they?"

I nodded, "Yes, professor."

By the end of the lesson, I realized that she favorites Hermione. But then.. she is the head of the Gryffindors...

"There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class," Severus Snape barges into the classroom causing his robes to fly behind him like a hero's cape.

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