Buck, Actually

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"Why is it always the crazy ones?" I huffed in annoyance as Buck and I geared up.

"We still don't like the idea of you going instead." Eddie reminded me hoping that I would back out.

"Hopefully, she'd be more willing to talk to a woman. Maybe that way I can talk some sense into her at least." I shrugged hopefully.

"Hell no! I won't come down until Norman sees me. And don't you try to force me down!" The lady yelled making me roll my eyes once again.

"Nobody's gonna force you to do anything." Athena told her over the speaker. "We're just gonna talk. What's your name?"

"Lola!" She responded.

"Lola, my name's Athena. What's the problem?" She asked her.

"The problem? The problem is, after 30 years of marriage, I can't get 30 seconds of attention from my husband!" She yelled back.

"Oh yikes." I sucked in a sharp breath.

"It's like I'm invisible! But I'm- I'm not invisible. I am here, damn it!" She continued before opening her robe. "See me, Norman! See me now?"

"She's fucking naked." I groaned making Eddie and Buck grin at me, I pointed at the two of them. "Not a word out of either of you. Ever."

"Lola, good news. We found your man. He's on his way." Athena told her.

"I won't come down until he sees me!" She insisted.

"Ma'am, you're the most famous face in the city right now. There ain't exactly a way to miss you." Athena informed her.

"I don't care." She grumbled.

"Okay, move Alex into position." Bobby said over the comms as I started to climb over the railing.

"Alex are you sure?" Buck asked harnessed up as well just in case.

"I'm sure. Besides you two are right there." I winked at them.

"Okay, Chim." Bobby said.

"No, no, no, no, no, no!" Lola yelled seeing the crash pad. "What are you doing? I- I told you! I told you."

"It's just there for your safety, Lola." Athena reasoned with her.

"I- I told you!" She said again. "I told..."

She trailed off just as I landed on the catwalk with her. I heard the gunshots and watched as the crash pad deflated before Lola turned to me gun in hand.

I froze in my spot, unable to move, as I thought back to the last time I had a gun pointed at me and how that ended.

"Lola, listen to me very carefully." I could hardly hear Athena through the ringing in my ears. "You now have every firearm in the Greater Los Angeles area pointed at you. If you continue to threaten that woman, they will fire. Do you understand? Do you?"

"I don't want to hurt anybody. I just can't handle being ignored anymore." Lola admitted.

"I know exactly what you mean." I hear Buck say from next to me as he slowly slid in front of me his hands held up.

"Oh, come on." Her disbelief clear in her voice. "Yes, I'm- Im sure you get ignored all the time."

"You have a Norman. I had an Abby. You think that you have something... something special, you know? She's the one. So you wait. And then, at some point, it hits you; you're alone. Sh-she's not coming back. You're just there to collect the mail and-and it's piling up, right? And then-and then you realize..,"you know what? It's over." You just need to face it and move on." Buck talked to her as I finally regulated my breathing again.

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