Sink Or Swim/ The Searchers

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Baby sis 😇: I have no idea what I'm doing for my college applications. I need help.

Alex 💚: Don't worry May. I'll help you out tonight. We'll go get dinner and figure it out, deal?

Baby sis 😇: Deal. Thank you!!

Alex 💚: No worries. I got you.

"Any word on how Operation Buck up Buck is going?" Hen asked walking over to Eddie and I in front of the Dogtown Dogs food truck.

"This was this morning." Eddie showed them the picture Buck sent in our group chat. "Full stack. Then I think the movies."

"Good luck." Hen chuckled.

"By now, Chris is coming down from a serious sugar high, and Buck is regretting his life choices." Eddie grinned.

"Maybe you will be. Buck texted a little bit ago and said Chris wants to be an astronaut or a pirate when he grows up." I laughed.

"Hey, did someone leave a hydrant open?" Bobby called out as he stood next to us.

"I don't think it's a hydrant, Cap." I said seeing the alter pop up on Eddie's phone. "A tsunami, it took out the pier."

"All right. Let's go people we're going to the mobile command center." Bobby called out as we hurried into the Engine.

I paused checking my phone, I could feel the blood draining out of my face.

"Alex come on. We gotta go." Bobby called out as he and Eddie stopped to wait for me.

I swallowed harshly, trying to figure out what to say.

"Alex what's wrong?" Eddie asked stepping back off the truck.

"Eddie. I think Buck and Christopher were still at the pier." I finally managed out my voice sounding foreign to my own ears.

"How do you know they were still on the pier?" Eddie asked slowly.

"Buck, he... he said Christopher wanted to look at the ocean. That was 10 minutes ago." I looked back down at the chat I had pulled up.

"You two listen to me." Bobby got our attention. "We don't know for sure if they were at the pier or not. Even if they were, Christopher is in the best hands given the circumstance. So until we know any different we work as usual. Okay?"

Eddie gave a stiff nod for a moment, moving to climb back in the engine. Bobby stared at me for a moment longer.

"Yeah." I finally nodded, but I couldn't help but think how this was all my fault.

"One wave did all of this?" Hen asked climbing to see the damage.

"We already had two so far." Harlan told us. "Expect another four or five before it starts to recede. We're commandeering everything that'll float to supplement our Zodiacs."

"I heard there were four firehouses in the path of this thing." Bobby spoke.

"Yeah, they've all checked in. Except for the 136. They were responding to a call at the pier when the surge hit, so- if you see any blue out there..."

"We'll holler." Bobby told him as we headed towards the two boats we'd be using.

Once on board and moving Bobby looked at each of us. "I don't need either of you putting yourself into a situation you're not sure of. If you don't feel you can make the swim, don't. The currents are going to be brutal. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, Cap." Eddie told him.

I nodded. "I understand."

"Okay, let's work fast, people, in between waves." Bobby nodded at us.

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