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Firestarter🔥: Running a little behind today. Coffees?

Sunshine ☀️: Same as usual, please. 🙏

Firestarter 🔥: Yeah, yeah. I got you sunshine. 🫶

Buck 🫶: If it wouldn't be to much trouble. I owe you. 💚

Firestarter 🔥: You don't owe me, Buck. I got you. 🫶

Eddie 😎: You don't have to. I can just make coffee here at the house.

Firestarter 🔥: 🙄 I'm getting you a coffee Eddie. Accept it and move on.

Eddie 😎: Thank you, Alex.

Gasoline ⛽️: You already know what I want girl. 😘 I got the next coffee run.

Firestarter 🔥: Yes I do! I got you 🥰

Bobby: Yes please. I appreciate it.

Firestarter 🔥: Anything special, Bobby? Or just your regular coffee?

Bobby: Just the regular.

I walked through the doors about 10 minutes later coffees in hand. As I began passing them out to everyone.

"I'm gonna go get in my uniform really quick and I'll be back." I called out sipping on my iced coffee as I walked away.

"You wanna see how easy it is to get Alex in an absolute uproar?" I heard Chim ask someone making me rolls my eyes.

"Is that really the best idea?" I hear Eddie reply back, smart man.

I knew what was coming, but maybe I really didn't with Chim.

"Hey Alex," Chim called out.

"What do you want?" I called back not bothering to look up from my book.

"How do you feel about us only having 8 planets in our solar system?" He asked making me spin to face him.

"We have 9! And no, I don't give a fuck about what NASA says about Pluto being too small. Pluto had been my favorite planet since I was 6, it's made up of ice mountains and frozen plains, it has a fucking heart-shaped glacier that's the size of Texas and Oklahoma. And the snow is fucking red! How God damn cool is that? Don't ever disrespect Pluto in my presence again or let me find out that you did Howie, and I'll beat you with my fists and then send you into orbit with Pluto." I yelled chasing him around the station as his laugh echoed across the area.

I was picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder. I let out a huff but stopped yelling and fighting.

"You calm?" Buck asked making me roll my eyes.

"Yes." I admitted with a huff. "I'm calm."

He set me back down on my feet and smiled at me. "What did he do this time?" Buck asked.

"Pluto." Was my only reply.

"You and space, Alex." Buck laughed.

"What about her and space?" Eddie asked walking over to us.

"She can talk about it for hours. Space is one of her most absolute favorite things." Buck grinned before I walked off with a wave but stopped spinning back to look at them.

"You guys want breakfast?" I asked smiling brightly at them.

"If you're cooking absolutely." Buck cheered making me laugh.

"I'm with Buck on this one. I may have only had your baking but that's more than enough of a reason for me to want to try your cooking." Eddie grinned at me nodding his head.

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