|| America

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"We're going back to America."

"What!?" Y/N exclaimed, her body jerking upright in bed. Her hair was a tousled mess as she threw the blanket off herself.

Confusion etched across Y/N's face as she surveyed her room, noticing the emptiness that was far from its usual messy state. A quick glance at her wardrobe confirmed the vacancy. Y/N blinked, turning her gaze back to her mom.

"A little heads-up would've been nice!" Y/N grumbled, shooting Amaryllis an irritated glare.

"It's 6 pm, Y/N," Amaryllis pointed out. "I've been trying to get you up to pack, but all I hear is 'Mom, it's summer break, let me sleep!'"

"Well—" Y/N began, but Amaryllis cut her off with a click of her tongue.

"Do you think I didn't hear you talking on the phone until the wee hours? I get it, you're a teenager, but staying up till 5 am isn't healthy," Amaryllis scolded. Y/N responded by throwing her head back dramatically, covering her ears with the pillow, her legs dangling off the bed.

"Lucky for you, the elf took care of packing, Y/N!" Amaryllis exclaimed, storming toward her daughter and determinedly peeling her away from the bed. Y/N, wanting to return to sleep, voiced her protests.

"Mom, I really don't want to go! What about Harry?" Y/N groaned, exasperation evident as she finally tumbled off her bed.

"Harry's with the Weasleys," Amaryllis replied, lifting Y/N's shoulders and firmly placing her on her feet. "Now, get dressed; the plane's about to leave any minute."

Y/N grumbled under her breath but reluctantly obeyed her mom's directive. She shuffled over to her suitcase, still feeling the lingering effects of sleep. The room, which was basically treated as a garbage dump by trash that accumulated by Y/N living in just a few weeks now looked strangely empty.

As she fumbled through her suitcase, Amaryllis kept a watchful eye on her daughter's progress. "Hurry up, Y/N. We don't want to miss the flight," she urged, a hint of impatience in her tone.

Dragging herself out of her stupor, Y/N hastily grabbed some clothes and began dressing, her mind still grappling with the abrupt plans. "Mom, seriously, couldn't this have waited until morning?" she mumbled, half to herself.

Amaryllis, ever the efficient organizer, responded, "We've got a tight schedule, sweetheart. You know how these things go." She handed Y/N a comb, gesturing toward her unruly bedhead. "And try to look presentable. We're about to board a plane, not a sleepover."

"Who cares, Mom? We're going on the private plane anyway," Y/N grumbled.

"The staff are still people, Y/N. We need to look neat!" Amaryllis stated matter-of-factly.

Y/N shot her mom a halfhearted glare but complied, running the comb through her hair. The reality of leaving hit her with each stroke, and she couldn't shake the feeling of leaving something important behind.

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