|| Girlfriend

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Y/N burst into her dorm room, her breaths ragged from the run

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Y/N burst into her dorm room, her breaths ragged from the run. The stares and whispers in the corridors had stung more than she'd expected. Over the years, she'd grown accustomed to being in the spotlight, but this was different. She couldn't help but worry about the rumors that might have spread, especially concerning Aurora.

Inside the room, Aurora lay on her bed, cocooned under her blanket. She had been softly crying, but her sniffles ceased abruptly when the door swung open.

"Aurora—" Y/N started to say.

"Leave me alone!" Aurora's voice erupted from beneath the covers, filled with anguish and frustration.

Y/N hesitated for a moment, realizing that Aurora needed some space to collect herself. She closed the door gently behind her and walked over to her own bed, sitting down and giving Aurora some time.

Y/N sat on her bed, her heart heavy as she tried to find the right words. Her fingers nervously played with each other as she attempted to gather her thoughts. "Aurora, are you okay now?" she asked softly.

Aurora's initial anger seemed to have transformed into hurt and frustration. She lowered the blanket, revealing her tear-stained face as she peered down from the top bunk. "Am I okay?" Aurora scoffed bitterly. 

"You've made me look like an idiot, Y/N!" Her voice quivered with emotion. "A complete idiot!"

"I plucked up the courage to talk to you, to risk our friendship and tell you that I like you, and what do I get in response? Silence!" Aurora's words were punctuated by hiccups as she got up from the bed, her finger pointing accusingly at Y/N.

"I put myself out there for you. I was honest, I gave you the most vulnerable parts of me, so I expected that you'd handle it better, but I guess I was wrong!" Aurora's voice cracked, and Y/N could only sit there, her head bowed, struggling to find the words to respond.

"I thought we were friends, Y/N. I don't even care if you didn't feel the same, I just want you to be honest with me," Aurora's voice wavered, and Y/N noticed her red, puffy eyes. Y/N jumped down from the bunk bed, her emotions still raw.

Y/N took a step closer to Aurora, who took a step back. Her expression was filled with regret. "I'm sorry," she said, her voice sincere.

Aurora's frustration bubbled over. "That's it?" She scoffed, her anger evident. 

"You think this—us—can be fixed by your stupid 'I'm sorry'!?" Her breath hitched, and tears threatened to spill. "I don't even know why I like you so much, if I knew you'd just treat me like this. Then I wouldn't have told you at all, I just wish I didn't tell you!"

"Can you talk to me?" Aurora's voice softened, but the intensity remained. "For once, I implore you, I beg of you, talk to me! Tell me what's going on with you, tell me what you're feeling. Just—tell me!"

Y/N's frustration finally broke through her stoic exterior. "I can't be like you, Aurora! I didn't grow up with a picture-perfect family where my parents actually loved each other. I— I... didn't grow up talking about my feelings and emotions." Y/N let out a shuddering breath, the weight of her own emotions crashing down on her.

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