|| Granger's Little Crush

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The group stood in front of the entrance to Hogwarts castle, Y/N holding Aurora's bag while she rushed back to their dorm room for something she had forgotten

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The group stood in front of the entrance to Hogwarts castle, Y/N holding Aurora's bag while she rushed back to their dorm room for something she had forgotten. Hermione, Harry, and Ron were on the other side of the yard. Professor McGonagall addressed the students. Filch stood next to her, holding the Permission Slips.

"Remember, these visits to Hogsmeade village are a privilege!" Professor McGonagall's voice rang out. "Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way, that privilege shall not be extended again."

"All those with permission, follow me!" Filch announced, striding toward the crowd.

Y/N stood with Hermione and the others, making sure to double check everything. But it was mostly just Hermione. Y/N, Harry and Ron exchanged glances. They had kept Hermione in the dark about Aurora.

Y/N chilled at Harry and Ron's dorm after they had found her under the stairs. They didn't talk about Aurora, just about anything they put their mind on. They didn't talk about the part about liking girls either, much to Y/N's support.

Harry and Ron weren't the types to say, "We're here for you." They just were, and Y/N appreciated that. She didn't like to talk about her feelings. Harry and Ron didn't like to comfort people with words, but they still wanted to be there for the people they love; you could say they were a perfect match.

Y/N glanced to the side of the courtyard, noticing Aurora's gaze on her. Seraphina and Sophie had been acting normal with Y/N, so she figured that Aurora hadn't told them what happened, which she was thankful for.

Aurora sent her a glare and scowled. Y/N didn't appreciate the attitude but if she confessed to someone and they called her disgusting she would've reacted worse then Aurora did, keeping her head down low.

"Why's Aurora looking at you like that?" Hermione whispered as they walked along the line that was beginning to march towards Hogsmeade.

"...I don't know," Y/N replied blankly.


Y/N and the three strolled into Honeydukes, Ron leading the charge because Y/N was throwing cash around like it grew on trees. Harry and Hermione resisted the idea at first, but Ron? He practically pounced on it.

Inside the candy wonderland - or nightmare, in Y/N's case. She took in the pink walls and the avalanche of magical treats. It was a bit much for her senses, but having a certain bushy-haired someone holding her hand made it bearable.

Hermione glanced at the crowded shop. "Not even a bit of chocolate?"

"Nah, 'Mione," Y/N replied, swaying their linked hands. "No candies for me."

"You're no fun," Hermione teased, giving her hand a playful squeeze.

"That's rich, coming from you," Y/N shot back with a scowl, playfulness in her eyes.

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