|| Hogsmeade

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   "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," Y/N whispered quietly beneath one of the staircases.

The other students had already departed for Hogsmeade, leaving her with a sense of boredom she couldn't ignore. However, she couldn't help but recall Mrs. Weasley's warning, "Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain."

Y/N's thoughts wrestled with her decision. She reassured herself that it was harmless, she was only using the map to go to Hogsmeade, not to cause harm. It was just a playful, enchanted map, after all.

With a shake of her head, she pushed aside her doubts and let her index finger trace the passageways on the map. "Honeydukes," she muttered, selecting the most practical route.

Suddenly, as though responding to her command, she rolled up the map and concealed it within her robes. She cautiously approached the classroom door and cracked it open slightly. No one was in sight. She slipped out of the room and quietly made her way behind the statue of the one-eyed witch.

Studying the statue intently, she drew out the map once more. To her amazement, a new ink figure had materialized on it, labeled as "Y/N Crimson," its dotted representation perfectly aligned with her location.

Her tiny ink self on the map seemed to be tapping the witch with her miniature wand. Y/N raised an eyebrow in curiosity and decided to follow the ink figure's actions. She took out her wand and tapped the statue just as her ink counterpart was doing.

To her initial disappointment, nothing happened.

Then, the tiniest speech bubble appeared next to her figure on the map, containing a single word: "Dissendium."

Y/N's curiosity was piqued. She drew out her wand, tapped the statue once more, and confidently uttered, "Dissendium!"

To her astonishment, the hump on the statue swung open, revealing a passage wide enough for a person to enter. Y/N quickly glanced up and down the corridor to ensure no one was around, then she tucked the map away, hoisted herself into the hole headfirst, and pushed forward.

She slid down the passage, feeling the cold, damp earth beneath her, until she finally landed on the ground. It was pitch dark, but Y/N illuminated her wand with a whispered, "Lumos!" The dim light revealed that she was in a narrow, low, earthy passageway.

Y/N raised the map once more, tapped it with the tip of her wand, and uttered, "Mischief managed!" The map went blank instantly. She carefully folded it and stowed it inside her robes.

Heart pounding with a mix of excitement and apprehension, she began to navigate the twisting and turning passage. It felt more like the burrow of a giant rabbit than anything else. Y/N hurried along, occasionally stumbling on the uneven floor, while keeping her wand held out in front of her to light the way.

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