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"What if I just miss one class? I'm sure it wouldn't affect my grades that badly," Y/N moaned as she trudged along the corridors

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"What if I just miss one class? I'm sure it wouldn't affect my grades that badly," Y/N moaned as she trudged along the corridors.

Hermione clutched a book tightly to her chest, while Harry and Ron played rock-paper-scissors to decide who would get dibs on the sweets Hagrid had given Y/N and Harry for successfully riding Buckbeak. Y/N handed her share to Harry since she wasn't a fan of sweets.

"You are not skipping classes, Y/N," Hermione insisted with an eye roll as the group reached the History of Magic classroom.

"Mm..." Y/N hesitated, taking a step back, but Hermione promptly yanked her arm.

"Oi, stop the lovers' quarrel, we're here," Ron said as he pushed the classroom door open, revealing the students already inside.

As Y/N entered the classroom, all eyes turned toward her, seemingly expecting her arrival. She scanned the room awkwardly before her gaze settled on the teacher's desk in the corner.

"Y/N, you're late," Caspian's voice resounded as he leaned over his desk.

"Really?" Y/N retorted with a heavy dose of sarcasm. "I couldn't have guessed. Thanks for the heads-up!" She added a mock expression of surprise, complete with a hand on her forehead.

"Y/N!" Hermione's whispered admonishment barely registered as a nudge in Y/N's side.

Caspian's patience wore thin. "Take your seat," he instructed firmly, growing weary of his daughter's attitude.

Y/N continued to fixate on him as she walked past fellow students who observed the tense standoff between father and daughter. Her unwavering gaze stayed on Caspian until she settled next to Harry, with Hermione in front of her.

"As I was saying, take out your copies of A History of Magic, please," Caspian's voice continued the lesson.

"Merlin, this is boring," Y/N muttered under her breath, sneaking a glance at Harry, who stifled a chuckle.

Leaning closer to Harry, Y/N whispered, "I'd trade this class for a session with Buckbeak's talons any day."

Harry nodded in agreement as they both shared their disdain for the class. Y/N's gaze scanned the room for a distraction and landed on Hermione, who was busy taking out her book.

Unable to resist a mischievous impulse, Y/N leaned in closer to Harry and whispered, "Watch this." She reached out and playfully tugged on Hermione's hair. Hermione's head whipped around, her eyes widening in surprise. Y/N quickly adopted an innocent expression, pretending to be lost in deep thought, leaving Hermione puzzled.

Hermione frowned but turned back to her book, clearly suspecting Y/N but unable to prove anything. Y/N couldn't help but smirk triumphantly, feeling a small sense of victory in breaking the monotony of the class.

Caspian couldn't help but notice Y/N and Harry's snickering, and he decided to grab their attention by slamming his chalk against the blackboard. He wore a strained smile as he addressed them.

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