|| Sirius Black

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In the heart of the Stone Circle, the four faced Hagrid's Hut. Hermione nervously bit her lip, Harry maintained an unreadable expression, and sympathy mixed with sadness adorned Ron's face as he shook his head.

Y/N's gaze shifted towards the huddled trio a few feet away.

"You got your rat back, Ron?" Y/N asked.

Ron nodded. "Yeah, Hagrid—"

"Can you two shut up?" Hermione's voice was irritable. "Buckbeak's about to get killed in front of us. Talk about Ron's stupid rodent later."

Y/N clenched her jaw, holding back any retort. She turned her attention back to Hagrid's Hut, witnessing Macnair lifting his axe. Hermione's breath grew shallower, and tension etched the faces of Harry and Ron.


Echoing through the leaves of the barely covering tree, the sound marked the end of Buckbeak's life, his now headless body a somber spectacle. Y/N instinctively turned her head away, while Hermione let out whimpers of distress.

Y/N observed from the side as Hermione leaned into Harry's shoulder, pulling in Ron. Left out, Y/N watched the three hold each other tightly, Hermione sobbing into Harry and Ron's shoulders.

Y/N's arm extended to comfort Hermione, but she quickly retracted it when Ron turned around with a screech.

"Scabbers bit me!" Ron exclaimed, holding his bleeding finger. Scabbers writhed against his chest and jumped out of his palm, then began to run away.

"Ron!" Hermione exclaimed as the boy ran away, chasing his fleeing rat.

"Wait up—" Harry screeched as the sun set, casting a growing dimness over the scene.

Y/N watched as they all ran away, leaving her behind. She let out a soft sigh before turning to leave, but froze in her step.

There it was—a wolf, a black one. Her breath caught as it approached, not growling. But Y/N, unaware of this, saw only a wild wolf before her.

Her fight or flight instinct kicked in, and she swiftly turned around, running towards the trio, screaming, "Run!"

Harry and Hermione turned around, finding Ron sitting on the grass. The wolf chased after Y/N, and Hermione instinctively grabbed Y/N's sleeve, pulling her in and wrapping her arms around Y/N's waist.

Y/N looked back, the wolf getting closer, and she instinctively covered Hermione with her body. She closed her eyes, expecting the worst.

To her surprise, the wolf leaped over her head and instead went after Ron, its sharp teeth chomping on his boot and dragging him.

"Help!" Ron screeched, his hand grasping the grass, but the wolf proved too strong.

"Ron!" Harry exclaimed.

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