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-your pov-

I watched from afar, as Peter squared up with the other king they were talking before they started to fight. I got scared with every hit

Peter got most of the hits but then he was smacked in the face and his helmet fell off. I jumped when I saw that blade get a little to close to Peter's throat but he stood his ground and charged. he quickly fell to the ground.

I held my breath and covered my mouth with my hand.

He was pushed to the ground and the talmeranian I was sure broke his arm but Peter nocked Him down.

They took a break and I ran down to Peter to make sure he was ok.

He asked

"She got threw... with alittle help"

He breathed out.

"Well you were busy"

I ran up to Peter Careful not to hurt him. I put my hand on his cheek.

"Are you ok?"
I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry y/n"

I gave Peter a quick kissed befor inspecting him to make sure he wasn't lieing.

He said grunting clearly annoyed.

I stoped when I new he was fine.

"You better get up there just in case, I don't expect the talmarines will keep there word"
Peter said.

"Come on, be careful peter"
I said. Susan gave him a quick hug before we left.

-small time skip-

Me and Susan watched as they were fighting again Susan grabed my hand to comfurt me and herself when we saw Peter get pushed to the ground but the Peter kicked the other guy to the ground and they both quickly got back up.

"Hes going to be alright y/n, Peter's strong"

"I know"

Peter almost got a good hit he got blocked by that blasted shield. He was punched and thrown back by it but he held his ground. And did a boss move twisting the guys arms so now Peter was behind him, untilk he was elbowed in the face and pushed into a rock.

He was abought to get slashed with the swored but quickly dodged it.

And blocked the second hit he kicked the other guy in his wounded leg and nocked him down. The other guy was giving up this was Peter's Chance but he didn't take it and turned his back. The other guy got up and started to attack but Peter was quick and he turned around and stabed the guy.

I whispered.

He didn't kill him though he just turned around and handed the swored to Caspian? Who took it. Peter walked away. Caspian was abought to kill him but he didn't.

Everyone cheered.

I was shocked when I saw the kings old king die and fall to the ground. I don't know that the other said. But everthing went to shit after that.


Narnia is new to me (Peter x male)Where stories live. Discover now