14 theirs no getting out of this

136 7 0

Here we go.


-your pov-

We set up camp for the night and questiond the fox at what had happend.

"They were helping tumnus. The witch got here before I did"
He said.

He yelped as Mrs. Beaver bandaged his wounds.

"You alright"
Lucy asked.

"Well I wish I could say their bark was worse than their bite- OW!"
The fox joked then yelped.

"Stop squirming your worse than beaver on bath day"
Mrs beaver said.

"Worst day of the year"
Beaver said.

I chuckled

"Thank you for you kindness... but that's all the cure I have time for"
The fox said.

"You're leaving"
Lucy questiond

"It has been a pleasure, my queen and an honour, but time is short"
Fox said bowling.

"And Aslan himself has asked me to gather more troops"
Fox said.

Then Mrs Mr beaver gasped.

"You've seen aslan"
Beaver questiond

"What's he like?"
Mrs beaver asked.

"Like everything we've ever heard"
The fox said.

"You'll be glad to have him by your side in the battle against the witch"
Fox went on.

Peter looked at me and I looked at him.

"But we're not planing on fighting any witch"
Susan said.

"But surely king Peter, the prophecy"
The said

"We can't go to war without you"
Beaver said.

I said putting My hand on his shoulder. Then he looked at Susan.

"We just want our brother back"
Peter said looking to the fox and beavers.

-tike skip-

Everyone had fallen asleep. Well everyone except for me I was still wide awake.

I heard rustling and then saw Peter walk away. I decided to follow him.


He turned to me.

"Y/n you should be asleep"

"I know I just couldn't so, why are you awake"

"I'm just... thinking"

I said as I stood beside him.


"I dont think there's any way of getting out of this"

Peter looked at me with worry

"I know... I just never expected any of this to happen"

I muttered.

"Come on we should get some sleep"
I said walking back to the camp he looked at me and followed.


359 words

Narnia is new to me (Peter x male)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora